Dec 29, 2006 17:30
had a crush on someone-- Yes.
had a crush on someone you couldn't have-- Yes.
had a bf/gf-- Yes.
asked someone out-- No.
been asked out-- Not technically.
missed someone-- Yes.
been on vacation-- Yes.
been to a concert-- Several.
gotten in a fight with a friend-- A friend? No.
gotten in a fight with your parents-- Not really. Passive resistance.
done something illegal-- Several things.
gone shopping-- Yes.
made new friends-- Yes.
been to camp-- No.
had a job-- Yes.
made a huge mistake-- Yes.
done something you regret-- Yes.
told someone you love them-- Yes.
had someone tell you they love you-- Yes.
gotten your nails done-- Yes.
drank alcohol-- Yes. Small amounts, I no longer drink routinely (only in toasts, etc.) like I used to.
done drugs-- Yes.
smoked-- Yes.
cried-- Yes.
snuck out-- No. I don't very well have to.
stayed up all night-- Yes.
gone in a pool-- Yes.
been grounded-- No.
regretted something-- Yes.
lied-- Yes.
talked on the phone all night-- Yes.
been hit on-- Yes.
gone to the movies-- Yes. And walked out on one, for the first time.
did you love-- I did love.
did you miss-- A few people..
did you hang out with most-- Probably Scotty
was your best friend-- Several people.
do you call the most-- Scotty.
calls you most-- Scotty
did you fight with most-- I'm really not sure.
You hugged? Scott, on Christmas.
Called you? Scott.. I think.
Kissed you? Scott.
You slept with? Scott.
You cried over? I'm not sure I can answer that.
Missed? A few. I'm away from home.
Lied to? I don't remember.
You messaged? Jaime Mohebali
Danced with? Probably Scott
Texted? Cameron
Went to a movie with? Phil, Aria, and Heather, I think. I may actually have seen one more recently, though.
Saw? My mother.
Had a sleepover with? Probably Elise.
1) Place you hungout the most this year: Scott's house and Kentlands.
2) Favorite new place you discovered: Tooo manyyyy.
3) Places you went on dates: Tooo mannnyy.
4) Favorite vacation spot for the year: I didn't enjoy my vacations that much, but the Outer Banks, I guess.
5) Favorite places you made out this year: Bed.
1) Person/s who taught you a lot this year: Everyone teaches me something.
2) An old friend(s) you rediscovered this year: Danny Young.
3) People who told you the nicest thing about yourself: I'm not sure about this one.
4) Person who did something really great for you and what: Too many people have been kind to me for me to list them.
5) Person you spent the most time with this year: Most likely Scott.
6) Person you did something really great for and what: I did a lot of things, actually..
7) Someone you wish you talked to this year: I can't remember!
8) Someone who you started a great new friendship with: I'm not sure...
9) Old enemy you made peace with this year: Megan McPherson
10) Someone you lost this year: My greatest lifelong companion, Buster.
11) Person/s you kissed this year: Scott, Cameron.
12) Person who made you laugh the most: I dunno. Ben Plewes makes me laugh a lot.
13) Person who made you cry: MADE me cry? I'm not sure. But I cried a lot while Scott was in the hospital.
14) Person you disliked when the year began but ended up becoming good friends with: I don't think anyone..
15) Person you crushed on the entire year: Not "crushed on," per se.
16) Someone you wish you apologized to: I've made a lot of apologies recently and my conscience is fairly clear.
17) People you went out on dates with: Probably Cameron and Scott.
18) Friends you went out with a lot: Aria, lately
1) Clothing item you wore the most this year: My coat from Spain, maybe, or this pair of jeans I love, or maybe Scott's sweatshirts.
2) Nicest present you got this year: Ready for cheese? LOVE.
3) Favorite song for the year: Oh, Holy Shit. Elizabeth on the Bathroom Floor is probably the one I listened to the most, or maybe Moonlight Sonata, or maybe You Fail Me.
4) Coolest event for the year: Seeing Converge was pretty awesome, but I'm not sure it was the coolest.
5) New hobby you picked up this year: I'm not sure. Maybe litmag counts.
Oops, I deleted number six by accident.
7) Best movie you saw this year: That's haaaard. Harold and Maude, probably.
8) Most shocking news headline of the year: What's shocking these days? We don't even hear about the worst of things.
9) Favorite food for the year: Veggie things.
10) Favorite new artist that came out this year: I'm not sure.
1) Wisest thing you did this year: Jesus. I can't make that kind of decision. Maybe quitting drugs, quitting cutting, etc.
2) Stupidest thing you did this year: I can't make this kind of decision, either.
3) Biggest change in your life this year: Probably quitting drugs & cutting and starting to eat again.
1. What did you do in 2006 that you've never done before? I don't know.
2. Did anyone close to you give birth? No.
3. Did anyone close to you die? Yes.
4. What countries did you visit? No foreign countries this year.
5. What would you like to have in 2007 that you lacked in 2006? I'm not sure.
6. What date from 2006 will remain etched upon your memory? April 10th.
7. What was your biggest achievement of the year? I don't know!
8. What was your biggest failure? I still don't know.
9. Did you suffer illness or injury? Yeah.
10. What was the best thing you bought? Yeah.
11. Whose behavior merited celebration? Someone.
12. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? Someone.
13. Where did most of your money go? I don't know.
14. What did you get really, really, really excited about? Junks.
15. What song will always remind you of 2006? Jezebel.
16. Compared to this time last year, are you:
i. happier or sadder? Happier.
ii. thinner or fatter? Not underweight, for a change.
iii. richer or poorer? I'm not sure.
17. What do you wish you'd done more of? Writing.
18. What do you wish you'd done less of? Drugs.
19. How will you be spending Christmas? With family and Scott.
20. Did you fall in love in 2006? Shhh.
21. How many one night stands in this last year? None, G.
22. What was your favorite TV program(s)? No TV for me.
23. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year? Not sure.
24. What was the best book you read? YOU ALREADY ASKED THIS.
25. Describe your personal fashion concept in 2006: Tasty.
26. What kept you sane? I don't know.
27. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? None..
28. What political issue stirred you the most? All of them.
29. Who did you miss? Shh
30. Who was the best new person you met? Shhh!
31. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2006: Too many.
32. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year? I don't know right now.