So it turns out that my computer's battery didn't die, it turns out that for some reason my battery cord was chewed on. So now I think my house is haunted by ghost hamsters. But yeah, the story of the millions of ghost hamsters living in my house can wait because it's MEME TIME!
+ Pick up to 10 OTPs.
+ Describe them in less than 10,448 words. >:D
+ Have your flist guess the OTP.
1. She is anger girl, and hee just has a big stick. Together, they fight crime.
amethystbubble Paco/Brenda
2. They like to go out and beat up super villains a lot, even if it does mean they get attack by Central Park ninjas.
scottyquick Eli/Kate
3. It's kind of funny how the masculine one of their relationship is a tiny girl with bird bones.
capella_aurigae Pelleas/Micaiah
4. He has money, fame, technology people have killed for, and yet he breaks down everytime whenever he is without...AMERICA! Note: Not Hetalia. Both
scottyquick and
turntap2 guessed this. Steve Rodgers/Tony Stark
5. Rainbow, shape-shifting, occasionally time traverling, lesbian aliens. Enough said.
capella_aurigae Xavin/Karolina
6. Loyal digital pet for life? Or loyal digital life time partner? That computer nerd would be willing to marry that bug.
amethystbubble Izzy/Tentamon
7. In all his twisted games he never thought he would take off those headphones...
measuringlife Joshua/Neku
8. He sure does love licking his time machine a lot.
turntap2 Doctor/TARDIS
9. I don't think you need to hold hands to mind read people, but he was obviously trying to get laid.
capella_aurigae Isaac/Ivan
10. They said that he couldn't have sex with everyone in the universe, that he would die first. Good thing he can't die and he has a whole lot of retcon!
turntap2 Jack Harkness/Everyone. I also must mentioned that this is my ONE ONE TRUE PAIRING!