A Thread Cut With a Carving Knife

Jan 04, 2009 00:40

Characters/Pairings: Sayid/Sun
Rating: R
Summary: Sayid and Sun meet for the first time in three years, but Sun barely recognizes the man she once knew.
Notes: Title comes from the Stars song by the same name.

He had to show her before she would believe him.

The gun he used had a silencer; had she not been standing close enough to hear the click, Sun wouldn't have known what happened to him. One moment he was walking to his apartment building. The next, he was crumpling to the ground like a card castle.

The bitter taste of vomit crept up into her throat. She swallowed hard.

Sayid strolled across the street to confirm that the man was, in fact, dead. He bent low, pressed his fingers to the man's throat and straightened when he felt no pulse.

Sun threw up once and wiped her mouth on her sleeve.


Later, in the car, he broke the silence.

"I would not do it if it were not absolutely necessary for the survival of those we care about." He glanced over at her, either to gauge her reaction or to make sure she was still awake.

"But how do you know he's telling you the truth?"

"I don't," he admitted, shifting his hands on the steering wheel. "But I believe it to be so. Whether I am being told the whole truth or not, these are not good men. And if I might be saving the ones we left, I will continue to do what I am told."

"I know the pain of losing someone, Sayid." Sun said bluntly. "I have wished to die many times. But I have someone to live for now. And I would like to get back to her."

"I can't do that for you yet." He sighed heavily and turned to look at her. "But I promise, I will not separate you from her a moment longer than I have to."


How did it come to this?

Her brain telling her hands to push him away. His hands pinning her hips to the bed. The click of his belt buckle and the swift motion that removed her skirt, panties and hose. Little gasps that turned into moans. His thrusts getting rougher and rougher.

She gets close to coming and starts to cry.

It's only then that he stops.


The glowing end of his cigarette tells her he's awake, too.

"Do you ever sleep?"

She sees the orb drop a little.

"I'll sleep through the night when you do," he responds, and she knows it's futile to say anything more.


She hates watching him.

Everything he does is a chore. She asked him once why he didn't just commit suicide and be done with it.

"Your life belongs to someone else, now, anyway." She said coldly.

"I'm under contract."

sayid/sun, sun, sayid

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