Head Versus Heart

Aug 22, 2008 04:33

Characters/Pairings: Richard/Alex
Rating: PG-13
Summary: More introspective Richard/Alex. Part one is Watching.
Notes: Fits the Forbidden Love prompt for

Sometimes Richard feels like he is taking advantage of her. But most of the time, he thinks she is taking advantage of him.


He pretends that it was he who woke her in the early morning hours, sliding his hands under her shirt, pressing his mouth to the exposed flesh. Throwing her book to the floor unconcernedly.

He doesn't like seeing her in this way, but she gives him no choice.


And then there's the way she acts after.

Always the same - she either sleeps or acts as if nothing has just occurred. As if she had only sat on the edge of his bed and discussed To Kill A Mockingbird.

She flits in and out of the bedroom, always forgetting something. First it was the packets of sugar for their coffee. Then it was 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Then she decided that she wanted another book instead, and Richard felt like screaming.


Ben is always watching her.


Richard dreads the weeks Ben spends away from the Barracks. He is always the appointed guardian in Ben's absence, therefore he is expected to sleep in Ben's house, on the top floor, last door on the left.

He does a better job at keeping an eye on Alex than anyone else. This is not hard, when she is sleeping on his chest.


Richard decided long ago that refusing her was futile; she would get angry, or upset, and Ben would sense a change in his daughter. Then he would do what he always did when he could tell there was a secret he was not privy to.

He would ask Jacob.


And then there are other times, usually when Richard wants Alex, when he can't control the impulses, that she refuses him.

She wanders off into the jungle with Karl, and it drives Ben mad.

So he appoints Richard to keep a closer watch on her.

richard, richard/alex, mission_insane, alex

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