All Great Things (Are Simple)

Oct 20, 2012 20:44

Title: All Great Things (Are Simple) [AO3]
Fandoms: Teen Wolf
Wordcount: ~1,300
Rating: PG
Summary: A Stiles in research-mode is a Stiles with a tendency to forget little trivialities like meals and homework.
Notes/Disclaimers: Kink Bingo 2012, “authority figures”. (Click here for card.) Betad by the lovely
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fandom: teen wolf, kink: authority figures, rating: pg, character: stiles stilinski, challenge/event: kink bingo: 2012, fanfic, character: derek hale

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Comments 14

zilentdreamer October 21 2012, 03:59:00 UTC
This was so many kinds of awesome!! The Stiles characterization was spot on, which was fantastic, from the spastic thoughts to sheer personality.
Also I was laughing out loud while reading this which is always a plus. ^^


sentientcitizen October 22 2012, 01:41:20 UTC
I'm glad you liked it! I had a great time writing out the working of Stiles's mind.


(The comment has been removed)

sentientcitizen October 22 2012, 01:41:27 UTC
Thanks! :)


gatekeeper1324 October 21 2012, 09:36:09 UTC
Oh I can so see Stiles doing this in the show. I think that it has been mentioned that he has been staying up late to do research. Fabulous!!! Thanks for posting. I really liked it where you had thinking to himself I am going off focus bit too.




sentientcitizen October 22 2012, 01:43:13 UTC
Glad you liked it! His rambly off-topic thoughts were a lot of fun to work with.


aryas_zehral October 21 2012, 10:40:49 UTC


sentientcitizen October 22 2012, 01:43:19 UTC


bittersweet_luv October 21 2012, 12:47:48 UTC
Gotta love Derek!The mother hen. Suits him :)


sentientcitizen October 22 2012, 01:44:00 UTC
Thanks! I like to imagine that he secretly frets and frets about his pack but just doesn't know how to coherently express his affection on account of being an emotionally constipated sourwolf.


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