Thing 1) I REALLY hate uploading fic on Hence why I havn't done so since writing
And One of Them's a Doctor, which was, gosh, over a year ago now? The process is just so poorly designed. But, well, if you add up the people following me on LJ, DW, and, the author alerts folk are holding their own at about 30% of the total. Which, okay, 30% does not represent a LARGE total number - a BNF, I am not - but... IDK, I feel like if you've paid me the flattery of a friending/following, in return I have an obligation to try and produce interesting content? Which I am totally failing at, on Bah.
Thing 2) My hold on Mockingjay came into the library. My hold on Catching Fire did not. The universe, it mocks me.
Thing 3) I have always best been motivated to do good things by surrounding myself with good people until the guilt of not being as awesome as them drives me to get off my butt and take action.1 As such,
somehowunbroken's awesomeness is making me seriously want to auction off some fic for one of the various good causes currently holding auctions. If I did, would anyone who reads this journal actually consider bidding, or would I just be shouting into the void? Because realistically speaking, I really doubt I'd get bids from anyone who DOESN'T read this journal.
1I'd thought maybe I'd illustrate this trait with the story of how I became a near vegetarian, adopted the 100 mile diet, and went almost totally organic/fair-trade, all in under a month. But then I realized that Jacob Reimer2 had way more ethical eating habits than me, the bastard actually isn't a particularly interesting story.
2A pseudonymous name, of course. Also. amuses me far more than it should. I think this is probably one of those things that isn't hilarious unless you live surrounded by Mennonites?
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