Mar 28, 2005 12:38
I thought my tolerance had really lessened, but perhaps not. I went to dinner with Holly and zuzufool on Saturday for zuzu's birthday and then to the local aftwards for drinks. I had a lot fun and really wanted to go to MJQ to dance, but I was a little too drunk to do much walking. I remember thinking that I really hadn't drank that much, but when I paid up, I realized I had five pints of whiskey and coke within three hours, on top of the two or three glasses of wine with dinner, and a shot someone handed me at the bar. So perhaps I am not a lightweight yet. I felt like bouncing around the dance floor up until that last drink, then I just felt like sleeping. It wasn't even that late. Anyway, I was not feeling too well the next day. But I got up around 11, even though I felt dead.
We now have about 4 or 5 tadpoles in the small pond. The frogs were all out on Saturday, but the weather got crappy again on Sunday and everything is still wet.