Yuletide letter.

Oct 09, 2013 13:42

Edit: AO3 account is Sententiae with an E ^_^. I somehow ended up with two accounts accidently, but I tend to use with one with the E. One day, I may figure out how to merge the two accounts.

Hello, writer!

Thank you so much for signing up for one of my fandoms. I hope you are able to have some fun with the characters and ideas suggested, but please feel free also to take things in a completely different direction if inspiration hits. More than anything else, I would just love fic about the characters nominated. The rest of the letter really just gives me an excuse to gush over these fandoms and characters ^_^. I do apologise, because this gets long.

Things I enjoy:
1. Hurt/comfort. It's my favourite genre, and I love it on a physical, emotional, and psychological level. I am a terrible fan, because if you beat my favourite character up and then have him put back together by someone else, I swoon a bit.
2. Friendships. I adore when characters go to the ends of the earth for each other based just on their platonic love. This is always a difficult one for me, because I also love when that same friendship suggests/flips over into an actual relationship. So: either/or
3. Plot and character development/exploration.
4. Consequences. I love when the consequences of actions (past or current) are explored.
5. Dark, angsty pasts.
6. All ratings right up to and including NC-17. No triggers or areas to avoid.
7. I love gen and yaoi equally for all the couples mentioned below.
8. Get together fics.
9. Survival situations.
10. Quasi father-son platonic relationships.
11. AUs.
12. Case fic
13. Being trapped. Be it physically (because of the weather/cage/on top of a hill/under a building etc) or emotionally. Bonus points for rain, because I am nothing if not a walking cliche.
14. Cults! Yeah, that is a little random. But the character/s somehow getting pulled into a cult and the resulting effect/effort to get them out. Maybe it starts as a case and goes downhill from there...
15. Characters struggling - with anything. Themselves, decisions, others, cases, etc.

[Added] 16: If you've signed up for Yuleporn: seriously, pretty much anything. First time, hang-ups from previous relationships carried over into the bedroom that have been dealt with. Sex in the rain (I ... like rain). Sex as a way to deal with things, sex as a celebration. Desperate, heart-breaking sex. Best-friends who laugh and joke and tease before it transcends into something much more intimate. Dark sex, fluffy sex. If you're not via Yuleporn, then please know I adore G-rated fic just as much!

Things I dislike:
1. The death of any of my nominated characters is pretty much an automatic back buttoner for me. Anything else you attempt I'm sure I'll love and really appreciate, but please avoid this like the burning sun.

The nominated fandoms themselves:
Psyren: Haruhiko-centric. Lan and Kagetora more than welcome!
Area no Kishi: Shima and Toono.
Giant Killing: Kazumi and Osamu
Switch: Takei and Shiba centric.


I thought very briefly about not requesting this fandom because I don’t think anyone has ever offered to write it in the years I’ve been requesting it. However, my love for these characters knows no bounds, and I just could not resist that yearly thrill I get that maybe, this year...

What I love most about the series: Ack. Haruhiko. Always Haruhiko. The series has its faults (at times both the character design and story comes across as derivative), but I absolutely adore the relationships Haruhiko has with both Lan and Kagetora. The fan-girl in me is utterly convinced that if the series hadn’t been cancelled, that we would have gotten more of these three together. I love his friendship with Lan, but I have an especially soft spot for Haruhiko's relationship with Kagetora. So, why Haruhiko? I love the fact that he is obnoxious, loud, foul mouthed, insecure, more than a little lost, isolated, hurting. Shao’s insight into him is just perfect:

“Do you know your inner self? I can see it, because I see people’s true forms. And you ... are a stray cat. A lost black cat crying out for a place to go ... that’s your true form. What a lonely life you lead. Deep down you’re looking for affection.”

And, it shines through throughout the series. How much he is willing to sacrifice for Lan, the over-the-top resistance he shows to joining up with Kagetora even though it’s exactly what he needs (and wants). The sense of belonging he ends up achieving because of Kagetora is something I just adore.

Random things I would like to see/possible sources of inspiration:

1. I love the black cat quote, so anything you can find to work from there is gold. I would love something that looked at Kagetora taking Haruhiko in as the stray he is, and the difficulty they both maybe have adjusting. While Haruhiko wants to belong to someone and to be cared for, he’s hugely resistant to it - just like a stray cat that has been hurt in the past. Background maybe into Haruhiko’s loneliness and hurt, why it is difficult for him? (And Kagetora totally as the white knight)

2. I also like Haruhiko’s quote about how it’s Lan who always gets them into trouble. Maybe this is actually the case? Or maybe it's the complete opposite.

3. PSI users who haven’t obtained their powers through going to Psyren are almost uniformly orphens. Where does Haruhiko fall in regards to this? We know he doesn’t have any family - or at least any family he chooses to have any contact with.

4. Case fic! Especially if it draws on something from Haruhiko's past.

5. Any of the general likes mentioned above would be absolutely magic.

Specific manga references: Because Haruhiko is a minor character; the following links cover a good chunk of Haruhiko’s appearances:
1. Introduction arc (Chapter 46-52 - arc goes on longer, but those are the main Haruhiko et al chapters): here
2. Haruhiko’s actual introduction (chapter 46): here
3. Kagetora choosing to save Haruhiko and Lan (chapter 46): here
4. Haruhiko, Lan (+ Kagetora) in the first ‘10 year later’ future (chapters 70-71): here, chapter 86 here
5. Kagetora ‘forcing’ Haruhiko and Lan to team up with him (and Haruhiko ‘protesting’ heh) (chapters 89-93): here
6. Alternative ’10 year later’ arc: invasion (starts chapter 113). Haruhiko appears: here - brief, joins fight: here, here
7. Rescue/end arc (generally only a couple of pages here and there in the following chapters): here, here, here, here, here

Area no Kishi.

This fandom is a little more difficult to gush so ridiculously over, simply because the characters I enjoy are really minor. I do love the blend of sports, humour, action, and angst. Nothing is ever too easy for anyone.

What I love most about the series: Shima is my character of choice. I enjoy his humour, skill, and determination. I also really like the interplay he has with Toono. Either as friends or as a romantic couple, they’re cute and fun. At the same time, you always believe that they are completely and utterly serious about soccer.

Random things I would like to see/possible sources of inspiration.
1. How/do Shima and Toono meet up outside of camp? Do they either play against each other in tournaments?

2. Competitive sport can be heart breaking. How do they deal with important losses, serious injuries, life in general?

3. What if Shima and Toono were caught up in the airport terrorist act? What role did they play?

4. The darker side of being an athlete? Who tries to take advantage, which relationships suffer? How much do you have to sacrifice and how much are you willing to sacrifice.

5. Any of the general prompts offered.

Specific anime references: They're in episodes 29-32. I don't believe that their manga chapters (including those not present in the anime) have not yet been translated.

Giant Killing.

Again, this fandom is a little more difficult to gush over than Psyren and Switch, especially as I don’t have a whole host of chapters bookmarked (why do I not have a whole host of chapters bookmarked?!). The bookmarking is made especially difficult by the fact that my characters are not only minor, but part of a really long, on-going series. I started to go through it to get particular links, but in the end had to give out.

What I love most about the series: The sports world! As you can possibly guess from the fact I’m nominating two sports anime, I do really enjoy the sports setting and all the trials and tribulations that comes with it. Kazumi is my character of choice, I really enjoy how his character is laid back, but that he’s becoming more serious and determined as the series progresses. I absolutely adore his relationship with Osamu, and would enjoy fic either about Kazumi , alone, with Osamu (gen or otherwise), or even with other characters.

Random things I would like to see/possible sources of inspiration.
1. Any of the sports related prompts I’ve given for Area no Kishi apply here. The darker side of being involved in sports, the heartache and the hurt, the big losses and the big gains.

2. I’d love anything Kazumi (especially) and Osamu specific. We’ve seen the way Kazumi can be quietly supportive and there for Osamu, it would be great to see a situation where Osamu came to Kazumi’s aid. Maybe they didn’t like each other when they first met, but ended up having to have each other backs when they were the newbies on the team and were finding it difficult to get used to living in Tokyo. Maybe a game goes wrong, or there is an injury. While I love them together (platonic or otherwise), I would still be equally happy with a fic that just focussed on Kazumi, or even Kazumi’s relationships with other team members.

3. Speaking of Kazumi and Osamu, Kazumi’s mentioning of the fact they’ve been in a five year relationship is one of those little touches that the shipper in me just loves. I love the thought that they’re two talented soccer players who just happen to be gay and in a relationship (according to my biased head canon). So, maybe something where their relationship isn’t the focal point, but is just there in the background?

4. General prompts!

Specific manga references: I just can’t dig out the references and have this letter up by Christmas, so I’m going to point you towards chapters 129-131, as this is a little mini-arc with the pair. And it is awesome.


I have received such amazing Switch fanfic through exchanges in the past, and so I feel incredibly greedy asking for more. However, it is simply one of those few fandoms that continues to make my heart go all aflutter. The fact that the sequel is currently running only maintains my adoration for the nominated characters especially.

What I love most about the series: Switch is all about duality and pairs, and so it is probably no surprise that I have my own favourite pair: Takei and Shiba. Their humour and easy going interactions speaks of this real sense of affection for each other. They’re so comfortable with each other, and clearly care deeply. And yet, they’re the pair who end up falling apart while all the others stay strong and cohesive. I like to believe that Shiba was there at the end because he was going to keep Takei safe - come hell or high water. I also think it’s telling that Shiba eventually breaks and tells Takei what is going on. But, still. Poor, darling Takei (and I am so biased).

Random things I would like to see/possible sources of inspiration:

1. Heh. Poor Takei can’t get through an arc without ending up beaten/blown-up/betrayed in some way. It’s a trend the hurt/comfort fan in me enjoys, and wouldn’t mind seeing continued.

2. Chuck the characters into an AU. I love all fusions, and I’m way past the point of being ashamed of loving high-school AUs, Sci-Fi AUs, magic AUs, animal AUs. Hell, everything and anything AUs.

3. If not AU, then maybe an alternative history? Maybe only one of Takei or Shiba ended up on their canon path, and the other is involved in the drug scene in a different way?

4. White knight!Shiba. I know it’s cliché, but I love the idea of Shiba saving the day. An undercover operation gone wrong? Shiba and Takei dealing with the consequences.

5. Takei dealing badly with Shiba’s betrayal, before slowly getting his act together because he is awesome.

6. Yeah, I'm feeling a little stupid repeating this for the fourth time. Any of the general prompts mentioned at the top (or any cross contamination from any of the other prompts given for the different fandoms) would be fab.

6. Guh, the hair ruffling! I love the picture on the right from the official manga because the hair ruffling. And the 'good boy'. They are so, so cute together. There is this real joy, warmth, and companionship that the hair ruffling captures. A real sense of closeness and intimacy. The two are often hanging off of each other/leaning over each other/ruffling hair/being cute.

The picture on the left is from the Switch doujinshi by Naked Ape (and therefore totally canon) were Takei and Shiba switch bodies (and is totally full of sexy innuendos).

Even when Shiba is in Takei's body, he still can't resist ruffling Takei's hair. And telling him he's a good boy. And they totally live together, because why else would Takei have two toothbrushes in his bathroom? And then Takei shaves off Shiba's goatee because he threatens to use Takei's body to pick up girls. And then Shiba threatens to draw dirty pictures all other Takei's body. They are so dating.

6. Like with Psyren, anything that is based around a case. I mentioned some brief ideas up in the 'general' section as it covers both fandoms rather well.

Specific manga references: Like Psyren, these references are a little all over the place because Takei and Shiba were supporting characters.
1. Takei's introduction during the School arc (as Yamazaki) chapters 8-13: starts here. There are bits and pieces where he appears throughout those chapters, but the bulky bits (aside from the link above)start here, here, here, and lastly here. The whole arc only spans 5 or so chapters, so it might be well worth reading the whole thing as Takei does pop up everywhere ^_^.

2. Date arc. Chapters starts here. Takei and Shiba appear from here. The arc is only one chapter long, so is worth reading because TAKEI AND SHIBA. *coughs*

3. Shingo arc (I may have decided on what these arcs were called all on my own.) This arc follows directly from the one above and has some heavy Takei and Shiba stuff in the first chapter starting here here. The arc is heavy on Shiba throughout, and I had trouble pulling out the individual pages as a result, so I was lazy and just pulled out the additional Takei and Shiba scene here.

4. End arc.
Takei and Shiba's glorious return from ere. They’re in every chapter from there up to and including chapter 66. The last couple of pages of Takei start here, while we get a little bit more of Shiba here and here (with a little Takei for flavour!)

Thank you so, so much!

yuletide 2013

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