Parallelsfic letter.

Jun 20, 2013 22:29

Hello, writer!

Thank you so much for signing up for one of my fandoms. I hope you are able to have some fun with the characters and ideas suggested, but please feel free also to take things in a completely different direction if inspiration hits.

Things I enjoy:
1. Hurt/comfort. It's my favourite genre, and I love it on a physical, emotional, and psychological level. I am a terrible fan, because if you beat my favourite character up and then have him put back together by someone else, I swoon a bit.
2. Friendships. I adore when characters go to the ends of the earth for each other based just on their platonic love. This is always a difficult one for me, because I also love when that same friendship suggests/flips over into an actual relationship. So: either/or
3. Plot and character development/exploration.
4. Consequences. I love when the consequences of actions (past or current) are explored.
5. Dark, angsty pasts.
6. All ratings right up to and including NC-17. No triggers or areas to avoid.
7. I love gen and yaoi equally for all the couples mentioned below.
8. Get together fics.
9. Survival situations.
10. Quasi father-son platonic relationships.

Things I dislike:
1. The death of any of my nominated characters is pretty much an automatic back buttoner for me (Area no Kishi plot bunny aside). Anything else you attempt I'm sure I'll love and really appreciate, but please avoid this like the burning sun.

Righto! Onto the fandoms!

Assassination Classroom
Ooh, something that explored the relationship between Maehara Akito and the Chairman (Asano Gakuhou) would be awesome! There is just something interesting there that I would love to see teased out. Asano’s response to Maehara being attacked was just the right kind of creepy, and Maehara’s own response - resigned and all knowing - indicates that they’ve maybe had more than one run-in in the past. They’ve been tied together since then in various ways (which I babble about in my notes), but I’d love to know WHAT the connection is/see how it impacts on Maehara again in the future.

Extra notes: So, 23+ (here) is the start of the mini arc where we get Maehara and Asano together for the first time. And from this point, Maehara and Asano seem to be continually linked. When Asano turns up to sabotage the baseball game, it’s when it is Maehara's turn to bat, and it is Maehara who he screws over. When their side is then in the field, it is Maehara who is watching what Asano is doing on the bench. When Takaoka takes over their training, Maehara is the first to get angry and link the insane schedule (correctly) to the Chairman, only to get hit for his efforts (Maehara has a habit of getting beaten up when Asano is involved. I approve). Maehara seems to be the student whose mind goes instantly to the Chairman, while Maehara has so far fallen foul of the Chairman and his ploys more often than any of the other students.

I really like Maehara’s friendship with Isogai as well, so if you want to include that somehow then please feel free!

I can’t help but request this fandom every time! Love Haruhiko. Would love anything that centred around him, especially if it explored his relationship with either Lan or Kagetora. I love the whole ‘lost cat in search of a home’ aspect of his personality, and a story where Kagetora took him in and the two bond would quite possibly be the most perfect thing in the world. Haruhiko needs that, and I adore the thought of Kagetora ending up with this damaged, snappy kid who has no-where else to go and no adult figures in his life. We get some hints of the importance Kagetora plays in redeeming Haruhiko in the manga proper, but not enough.

Giant Killing
I’d love anything Kazumi (especially) and Osamu specific. We’ve seen the way Kazumi can be quietly supportive and there for Osamu, it would be great to see a situation where Osamu came to Kazumi’s aid. Maybe they didn’t like each other when they first met, but ended up having to have each other backs when they were the newbies on the team and were finding it difficult to get used to living in Tokyo. Maybe a game goes wrong, or there is an injury. While I love them together (platonic or otherwise), I would still be equally happy with a fic that just focussed on Kazumi, or even Kazumi’s relationships with other team members. Let the muses run wild!

Extra notes: I love Kazumi, and he is especially cute with Osamu. Chapters 129-131 are such a sweet look into their relationship, and I love that Kazumi actually SAYS they’ve had a 5 year relationship. True, he’s probably meaning in a platonic sense (which is incredibly cute as is), but my head canon is that they’re two talented soccer players who just happen to also be gay and in a relationship (my head is a nice place to live). At the same time, I love them as platonic best friends who just get each other.

Area no Kishi
Aw, Shima I love especially, he’s fun yet intense. I have a weird thing for minor characters, it cannot be helped. I especially like how he and Toono interact. Maybe something about their first soccer camp, or meeting up/playing against each other outside of the camps/rep games. If you wouldn’t mind writing them in a relationship (I’m an equal opportunity gen/yaoi fan), then maybe how they first got together? Or, oooh. Maybe an angsty (with happy ending) love triangle between Shima, Toono and Suguru Aizawa.


Another fandom I tend to request a lot, but the love is strong ^_^. Anything Takei (especially with Shiba or Shingo) would be fabulous.

I’ve received such fabulous fic for this fandom in the past so it seems greedy asking for more, but it is such a tiny fandom. Case fic, first-time fic (if you’re happy writing relationship fic - I’m just as happy with gen!), Takei and Shiba just being flirty or excellent best friends (with issues a mile wide now). Maybe the pair of them working an undercover case together?

If you want to go a different route completely and explore Takei's relationships with any of the other cast, please be free to do so! Takei and Shingo, or whatever happened between Takei and Hiki that led to Takei transferring to Hiki's department after Shiba's betrayal.
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