[FIC] Skirts and Stockings (Samurai Drive, Ren/Makio)

Mar 27, 2013 10:34

title: Skirts and Stockings
Fandom: Samurai Drive.
Trope Bingo Square: Cross-dressing.
Word count: 1950
Summary: Ren can handle having to fight in a dress. It's how cute Makio looks in a skirt that it is proving just a little bit difficult.

This whole cross-dressing thing had really been a terrible, no good idea. Ren had never thought otherwise, and if questioned he wouldn’t be able to explain how exactly he’d ended up in a frilly, pink dress that showed off his collar bones beautifully but did nothing for his waist. It was only fair that his friends had suffered the same fate, although there was something a little disturbing about how accepting they were of their own lace cages.

It wasn’t Ren’s dress that was the problem, not really. Sure, it was embarrassing enough to have to stutter along in high heels that cut deep into his feet with each step, but you got used to that after a while. Having to try and actually fight in the bloody thing? With the weird underskirt bits that caught in his underwear? And the totally disproportionate fear that he might somehow get mud on the detailing when he should really be worrying about getting slashed across his back by some idiot’s sword?

Not the highlight of his day. And yet, Ren’s dress wasn’t a problem at all compared to what Maki was wearing.

It was unfair, and it didn’t make any sense at all. But Maki was sort of, maybe, ok totally and ridiculously hot all of a sudden, and that was definitely not something Ren should be thinking about his best friend. Kokonoe looked like some twisted Alice in Wonderland, and the rest of them wore dresses that were so ridiculously ornate-slash-bridal that it created an automatic dystopia.

Maki was simply wearing their school uniform. Sure, it was the girls school uniform, but it didn’t look like a costume or some yaoi fangirl’s fantasy. It just looked like Maki in a cute sweater and a skirt.

Ren had never noticed that Maki had such hot legs. It was ok to think his best friend had hot legs, right? It was kind of hard not to notice when Maki kicked outwards at one of their attackers, the hem of his skirt inching up his thigh-

Oh, man. The skirt of Ren’s dress didn’t inch anywhere, it just bunched in awkward places and tripped him up when he maybe tried to match Maki’s cool kick. It wasn’t that Ren wanted to look cute in his gown (and seriously, Maki’s skirt wasn’t even that short), but if this whole ‘hot as girls’ thing was something they all had going for them, then finding Maki attractive wouldn’t be an issue.

Yeah. No. A quick glance around revealed that Sugatani was a scary pillar in silk, Kokonoe was a pile of lace and thrills, and Takahara might pass for a flat chested girl with his wig and everything, but he barely even resembled himself anymore.

Maki wasn’t currently hot because he looked like a girl. Ren might have been able to live with that, because girls were hot. Maki was hot because he was Maki, and the whole skirt thing was just revealing this to Ren in new, totally inappropriate ways.

It didn’t help that Maki had such pretty, wide eyes. Why Ren was only realising it now was just a tiny bit problematic, as it almost lead to him being punched in the face by one of the baddies.

But, that was ok. Deep breaths made everything ok. Even better, his dodge placed him back to back with Maki. It was only Ren’s quick flash of sword that kept the gang member from taking a swipe at Maki from behind, moving him quickly from clumsy idiot to knight in shining armour. Maki’s relieved little smile (and wide, so pretty eyes) made the almost-punch worth it.

Even in their girly get-ups and the distracting way Maki flicked his hair behind his ears, they made short work of gang. Ren collapsed down onto the steps, his chest heaving as he sucked in breath after breath of air. He braced himself back on his elbows, shooting Maki a shaky grin when he dropped down beside Ren. A tired return smile flickered briefly at the corner of Maki’s mouth. Maki balanced the tip of his sword on the lowest step and rested his forehead down against the handle, strong fingers wrapped around the hilt. The way Maki’s hair fell across his eyes was not at all sexy, because that would be ridiculous and not cool.

Ok, Ren. Time to salvage your manhood from the weird, uncomfortable place your imagination has plunged it into.

“You’re kind of hot in that get up.”

Um. That wasn’t exactly what he’d meant to say. The bumbled words sort of stuttered out, and there was no amount of money in the world that could make him look over at Maki. Maki was good at dealing with difficult moments, navigating Kokonoe’s weird and scary ways more effectively than Ren ever could. He would find the right words to dig Ren out of his colossal hole if Ren just waited long enough, because Maki was awesome like that.

Any moment now.

Oh, man.

Ren wasn’t very good with silences. Some people could sit comfortably in them, minding their own business and acting like the normal people they inherently were. Ren was different. Whenever any kind of silence crept in, Ren had this insatiable, stupid need to cram it with as much noise and stupidity as possible. He wriggled his fingers desperately as the silence dragged on, clenching down on his back teeth.

Come on, Maki. It can’t be taking you this long to find a shovel!

Damn it!

He snapped his head towards Maki, but his surely idiotic follow-up died a quick and unexpected death.

There was this look Maki got whenever Jin-san was around that never failed to piss Ren off. His normally sane, responsible friend turned instantly to mush. Maki’s eyes wobbled, and the world’s most embarrassing blush streaked across his cheeks and nose as if someone had taken to his face with a paintbrush.

This was not that look, but it was definitely a close relative. The faintest flush of colour dusted Maki’s cheeks, and dark eyes looked forever frozen in shock. There was that same weird innocence that just radiated from Maki whenever Jin-san said something nice or paid him even the slightest bit of attention, stripping Maki raw.

Except Jin-san wasn’t here, and Ren had no idea how Jin could even breath after being on the receiving end of all of Maki’s attention. Ren’s legs felt like jelly, and the thought of somehow letting down Maki right now was so terrifying that Ren felt the foreshadowing clogging up his blood.

You would think Ren had never paid Maki a compliment before. Hell. You would think no-one had said anything nice about Maki, ever.

He was totally going to start paying Maki more compliments if that was all it took for Maki to look at him like this. Just, maybe not the kinds of compliments that also stole away Maki’s ability to act vaguely normal and made Ren look like a total idiot.

Maki shook his head a couple of times, displacing some of the haziness. It was just as well, because Ren didn’t think he could drag his gaze away even if the prettiest girl in the shortest skirt ever walked by, and it was starting to get really, deeply embarrassing.

“Ah, thanks.” Awkward, but it was at least a start. Ren was impressed; he couldn’t even make it to the starting line. Maki opened and closed his mouth a couple of times before trying again. “You look...” dark eyes took on a desperate edge as they swept over layers and layers of frills and lace.


“Don’t,” Ren said dourly. “There is nothing at all redeeming about this dress. Nothing.” A scowl tore across his mouth. “I would have definitely looked hotter in the Alice dress.” Not that he was bitter.

He was totally bitter.

Man. This was the most depressing conversation Ren had ever had.

“Maybe we should get changed.” Maki’s sympathetically knee pat did little to lift Ren’s spirits. Still. This was more like Maki, who always managed to push through ridiculous moments with a warm smile once he got his own head screwed back on straight.

Maki really was a good friend, but there was a suspicious fullness to his words that Ren vaguely recognised. It was almost as if...

“Are you laughing at my dress?” Ren accused suspiciously, eyes thinning. Maki’s shoulders were shaking silently despite his efforts to not be the world’s worst ever friend.

“No!” Maki protested unsuccessfully, a chuckle escaping through desperately clenched lips. “It’s just ... I mean ... the frills ...” Maki ducked his head, futilely trying to swallow back down his laughter. “And on top of that-“

“Oh, yeah?” Ren challenged, his voice low and threatening. “And don’t forget, I can still totally kick your arse in this monstrosity.”

“You’re kind of cute when you sulk like that.” The words came out in a rush, and Maki stood up abruptly with a far too bright smile. “I think I’ll get changed, ok?” More rushed words with little space between them, and Maki was taking the steps two at a time before Ren could put together a coherent thought. Ren barely caught the flash of skirt disappearing inside, totally dumbstruck and frantically trying to not do something stupid like swallow his tongue.




Gloom and doom crashed down around Ren’s ears like a lead helmet lined thoughtfully with barbed wire, but this time the feeling had nothing to do with Maki’s sexy legs, or his slim waist, or those too-wide eyes. Ren slowly turned his gaze away from the door to the two boys watching from the court yard. Takahara had a nothing sort of presence, but Kokonoe’s scary aura could curdle milk into cheese.

“That ... uh ... it wasn’t what it looked like?” Ren offered helpfully.

“Two dorks trying to flirt?” Takahara replied with a dirty smirk. So much hate. “That was painful to watch, by the way.” Takahara leaned forward, his hands on his hips. The skirt of his dress splayed outwards, brushing against the pavement. “Promise me you won’t try and hit on me? I don’t think our friendship would be able to survive your pick up lines.”

He was never going to live this down. Ren shifted his gaze snarkily to Kokonoe, only to be snared instantly in the cold heat of his ire.

“You have mud on your dress,” Kokonoe said solemnly.

Oh, crap.

Ren felt his heartbeat jump of a cliff and into the grand unknown. He forced his eyes downwards in jagged movements, shaking his head in denial at the small smudge of dirt along his hemline.

No way.

This was why he’d been so terrified of getting his dress dirty earlier, even though his stupid brain hadn’t been able to tell him exactly why. Damn Maki and his legs for distracting him from the real danger - nothing compared to being Kokonoe’s sole focus. Nothing. A cold chill shot down Ren’s back, partially paralysing him. It didn’t matter that Kokonoe’s own stockings were in shreds, because he’d punish himself appropriately for that later.

Ren’s fate, however, had already decided.

“I’m so sorry, I’ll get it dry cleaned! I promise!” Ren scuttled backwards up a couple of steps, his mouth twisting into a horrified grimace. He was going to die. Kokonoe advanced with deadly precision, his sword already drawn. “Takahara?” he begged pathetically, eyes wide and his chin wobbling. Takahara shrugged, totally not caring about the murder that was about to be committed in front of his eyes. Ren had always known that Takahara was secretly a bastard beneath his too-nice smile.


samurai drive

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