Title: "Flowers"
Author: Trinity, aka
amazonstormPairing: Marika "Jasmine" Reimon and Tekkan "Tetsu" Aira
Fandom: Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger
Theme: #11 "Gardenia"
Disclaimer: The characters in "Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger" belong to the Toei company of Japan. They're not mine...no matter how much I want them to be.
Author's notes: Well, here it is...my first challenge for the
30_kisses community. I hope I can keep the spark going long enough to finish this and the challenge for
30_smiles. *crosses fingers* Anyway, this is cross posted to my livejournal,
sentai_ai, and of COURSE, the
30_kisses community. I hope you like it.
To Tetsu, Jasmine had always smelled like gardenias and jasmine flowers. It was a beautiful combination of smells and it was intoxicating. On their last date, he'd spent most of the evening with his head on her shoulder, sniffing her hair and neck. She didn't mind. She'd simply smiled and patted his head.
That was why for their next evening out, he was looking for a nice corsage for her. Tetsu was taking Jasmine to a Space Police Ball for all past and present Tokukyou. She was to be his date, even though he knew that his chief, Lisa Teagle would be furious. He didn't care. Jasmine was completely worth losing his badge over. She was going to be the best dressed member of the Dekaranger at that ball.
Now if he could only find a florist willing`to make the darn corsage. He'd been to almost every single florist in Tokyo looking for someone willing to make a custom coursage of jasmine and gardenia.
Finally, a day and a half before they had to leave for the ball, Tetsu lucked out.
The next evening, Jasmine was all dressed up in the most beautiful black and gold gown he'd ever seen, her hair done up in an elegant style with a jasmine-shapped hair clip and she had on gloves and heels. She smiled as she kissed his cheek and then pinned a jasmine flower on his lapel.
"There." she said, approvingly. "You look lovely in your tuxedo."
Tetsu smiled and said "I have something for you, too." He said, producing the custom-made corsage. "It's jasmine and gardenia. I had it custom made for you."
Jasmine's dark eyes lit up like stars. "Oh, Tetsu-chan." she murmured. "It's beautiful."
"I KNEW you'd like it." Tetsu said proudly as he pinned the corsage to her dress. It looked lovely on her, perfectly matching her hair clip. "You look beautiful, Marika-ko."
She smiled and took his hand in her own. "Thank you."
"For what?" he asked.
She kissed him then, more deeply this time and smiled. "I don't know for what yet...for going through the trouble of finding me a corsage, for inviting me to this ball, for falling in love with me....for just, being Tetsu."
He smiled then and took her arm, leading her to the DekaBike and they were off to the ball.