this entry is just for colin. and a little bit for chris. just a little though.

Oct 23, 2004 17:00

hey hey hey. long time, no entries. im not making this entry friends only so that chris can read it. my ankle hurts. my dad is annoying the shit out of me and i want to go to seans house but noooooooo he had to tell his mom that im 15. dumb.

my hands are disgustingly icky because i had to wash like 903w284029384023948 pots and pans and little plates and big plates and cups and wine glasses. mmm fruit. yeah i never know what to write in these stupid things because nobody ever reads them. but im writing this for you, Colin.

ahhh last night sucked. it really did. i went to waterford and saw Raise Your Voice and it sucked. and then we walked around and i met Colin for like 2 minutes and then Sean was talking to his little ex girlfriends so we went into best buy. i wanted to buy like 029384 cds. im saving my money for the Nirvana box set. yesss. i really want to see From First to Last on the 30th (hint. hint.) :-) oh god..i hear this stupid usher song and its making me sad becuase i miss Casey.

ok soooo..i saw anti-flag a couple weeks ago and it made me happy because I MET CHRIS NUMBER TWO. HE HUGGED ME. I HUNG OUT WITH CHRIS NUMBER 2. AHHHHHHH. yes. um..other than that nothing has really happened. on the 17th Sean and I started going out and things are going well. good bye.
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