If you didn't add me yet, read below.
♥ Here's what you do
*step 1- add me
*step 2-comment telling me you added me
*step 3-ill add you back
♥ And the rules:
*1.be nice to me.
*2.comment every once in a while.
*3.dont be rude to me, or my friends.
*4.when you do comment, dont complain about what i write. its my opinion and its my journal
so if you dont like it then you dont have to read it. this is for me to express MY and
opinions.so unless you have sumthing nice to say then leave.And yes i do complain alot. Get used to it.
*5.i write alot of poems and songs. dont steal them. cause if you do i will hunt you down and beat you with a very large stick. :)
*6.dont talk trash about me, my friends, my family, or the music i like. and if you do talk about one of my friends dont expect them not to find out about it.