Feb 05, 2008 09:42
More importantly, who sent them in my direction??????
As you might remember, I am a receptionist the poli-sci dept at OSU. Now I've gotten some weird phone calls, but this one totally wins. I would like to believe this is a crank call, but there was no laughing and everything was said with a straight tone. And yea...
Me: "Good morning, political science, how many I help you?" <- See, I can be polite.
Crazy Lady: "Political science? You know about politics right? Maybe you can answer my questions."
Me: "Err..."
CL: "Barack Obama and Oprah...do you know if Barack Obama is the anti-Christ?"
Me: "I don't believe so." <--Didn't miss a beat. "But that's not something most people would know."
CL: "Nobody seems to know..."
Me: "..."
CL: "He isn't American is he?"
Me: "He has to be if he's running for president."
CL: "But he wasn't born here."
Me: "He has to be if he's running for president...his family is from Kenya."
CL: "People from Kenya...what do you call them? That's African right?"
Me: "...Kenyans, but there are several tribes in Kenya."
CL: "Kenyans. But they don't believe in Jesus do they?"
Me: "I know he has some Muslims in his family background."
CL: "Aha! Muslims! Oh...yea, not anti-christ, Muslims, that what I meant. Muslims, now they don't believe that Jesus Christ was born of the virgin Mary and is the son of God, do they?"
Me: "No, they don't."
CL: "They just believe he was a prophet."
Me: "That is correct."
CL: "Now isn't that a shame?"
Me: "...It's what they believe." <---So politically correct. I was being good. So good. So very damn good.
CL: "Now is Islam from Africa?"
Me: "Errr, no, it's from the Middle East."
CL: "Hmmm. His mother was African? Kenyans are Africans, and we call them Africans."
Me: *reading from Wikipedia* "He was born in Honolulu, his mother was American and his father was Kenyan. His stepfather was Indonesian and he lived there when he was young."
CL: "Indonesia? Is that in Africa?"
Me: "...No, it's Southeast Asia." <-- The sad part is that it didn't even faze me, I went into "lecturing the stupid child" mode.
CL: "Southeast Asia? Honolulu? Wait that sounds funny."
Me: "...He was born in Hawaii."
CL: "And he's a Muslim?"
Me: "He says he's pretty non-religious."
CL: "The papers says he has Muslim ties in his background."
Me: "I'm sure some of his family is."
CL: "The paper says it! It says he has Muslim ties! It's in the paper."
Me: "...OK." <-- No sense arguing with the crazy.
CL: "There's something fishy about this."
Me: "..."
CL: "This is all just too confusing. I'm going to have to ask somebody else."
Me: "OK."
CL: *click*
Me: "..."
Someone missed their daily dosage.