No really,
AZN racial guilt makes me laugh, and then puke. But that's OK.
So...funny story:
Brit grad student interaction: blah blah blah, I think he finally sort of got me back?
Him: So what does a plane do when it's close to the ground?
Me: Wut?
B: Hover?
Him: No think about it! What's it doing?
Me: Uhhh...
B: Landing!
Him: No.
Me: Strafing?
B: Crashing!
Him; No, no! Really, it's close to the gruond, just there...
*enter W*
B: I don't get it.
Me: Me neither.
W: What?
Him: There's a plane, close to the ground, what's it doing?"
W: Flying?
Him: Yes! How?
W: Low?
Him: YES! Flying low! Goodbye!
....Oh. XYZ.
I was mildly embarrassed, but I laughed and yelled at him. I've been sniggering about the whole thing since.