Fic: Something Beyond Our Wishes

Jan 07, 2012 23:39

Huh. So apparently it's been two years (nearly) since I posted fic to this community. Wow.

This was written for fandom_stocking for lizardbeth_j.

Title: Something Beyond Our Wishes
Author: Azar
Spoilers: "War Without End"
Pairing: Sinclair/Garibaldi
Summary: "You really think if I didn't want to be here, I wouldn't have said 'damn the consequences' and gone back with the others?" AU version of "War Without End."
Note: This is sort-of-but-not-really a companion fic to my story, "Five Ways Garibaldi Followed Sinclair Back Through Time." Sort of because the concept of Mah'hel is introduced in that story, but how Valen gets his Mah'hel is different in this one. All Minbari names/words are taken either directly or interpretively from the Minbari dictionary at

Destiny grants us our wishes, but in its own way, in order to give us something beyond our wishes. -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
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