Title: Assignment Shock
Author: Third Charm
Fandom: Babylon 5
Pairings: Sheridan/Delenn (implied), Marcus/Neroon (implied).
Story Type: Prompt fic./Snippet, Comedy
Current Rating: T
Disclaimer: Babylon 5 and all subsequent major characters, plots, and ideas are the property of J. Michael Straczynski, Babylonian Inc. and Warner Bros. The following story was written only for the purposes of entertainment. No income had been made.
Warnings: AU, not beta read, implied sex, implied slash
Spoilers: None specifically mentioned.
Summary: Set in the "Play Series" Universe which can be found on the "Delusions" website. Oh, but how does a poor Ranger just out of training cope with all the shocking goings on the ISA leadership? This piece is an answer to the Lady Q's 2005 Christmas Prompt Challenge list. The word chosen was "White".
Author's Note: The Minbari words and phrases were found at the "JumpNow" website in John Hightower's Minbari dictionary.
Assignment Shock
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