today is the 15th anniversary of the northridge earthquake. i remember it as VERY scary, much scarier than the 1971 sylmar quake. northridge was a completely different kind of earthquake than the sylmar quake. the sylmar quake was more roll-y while the northridge quake was SO LOUD and jerk-y, but then again i was a kid during the 1971 quake. kids don't really get the depth of events like this.
i also remember it as a time when all my van nuys neighbors pulled together to help each other. i often wonder if my neighbors here on the westside would do the same. i've found living just ten miles over the sepulveda pass to be very different than living in the valley. i still pretty much believe the poorer the person the more likely they are to help the other guy.
take a look. i was lucky enough to live in an area that didn't get hit nearly as hard.,0,4568440.photogallery?1 give me any of the 5.0s that the news makes such a big deal about today.