
Jun 23, 2008 15:10

went down to loughcrew the othe3r day to see this massive complex of tombs on top of a bloody high hill that made my legs hurt. unfortunatly tthe wind was stronger than a JCB on steroids so the shots were a bit wonky.

this site is imaginativly called cairn T, but its irish name is sliabh na Caillí which means hill of the hag/witch. the celts sought to explain these things by saying that a witch jumped around dropping stones on these hills so if she got one on every hill she would rule ireland. but thankfully they fell out of her apron and formed these cairns. and after the last election this seems like a much better way to orchestrate a transition of power, anyone who can hoof giant rocks on top of mountains has my vote

inside the mound you crawl down the passage into the main chambre where you see this

now these may look like childs drawings but check this out. you see the sun in the top left hand corner, and coming diagonally from that other phases of the sun until it meets another sun on the bottom right. theres also one on the stone on the very bottom stone in the foreground. well on 21st march and 21st september each year,the spring and autum equinoxes, at sunrise the light shines down the passage and illuminates the top left sun, then moves down through the phases and eventually rests on the sun on the rock in the foreground. preety cool eh.

and guess where im gonna be on september 21st.

these are the side pannels of the passage the holes used to be filled with chalk and quartz balls that would illuminate and sparkle with the sunrise. they think aswell, that these were used to draw the constelations on the wall. ill tell yous about the circle later

heres more rock art thats seems to be some sort of pig licking a circle thing. and you thought abstract was a 20th century invention, shame on you!

this is called the hags seat, well it would make you tired

now i tried to get some nice outdoor shots but the wind was about 100 miles an hour


see! i am officially annoyed

also the country side is full of the notorious...DEMON DEER....they will eat all the grass so other grass eating animals will DIE! wahahaha!

also the demon deer are ninjas

there was a guide type fella there, well really just a man with a flashlight, lovely bloke who told me about the maniacs he gets up there. it was generally held until the 20th century that the irish were incapable of building these things , i mean for fuck sake look  at our roads.
so a few jems appeared, firstly archaeologists thought it was the phoenicans or the vikings nothing too mad there.

but he said he had a group of americans from some society or other, who thought it was the burial mound of Jerimiah, as in 'hi im jerimiah. you might remember me from such books as the bible' they even had a guy, pointy hat and all who claimed he was a reincarnation of jerimiah.
why are people never reincarnations of normal people. hi im dave, im a reincarnation of a pizza delivery guy from the 70s called john.

there was also a crowd, also from americans (honestly i love you guys, but you should be really careful about who you let have passports) who thought it was built by aliens. seriously. i mean if aliens are going to fly half way accross the galaxy and land in meath then youd think theyd built something a little more adventurous, a shopping centre or something.

oh yeah and that circle in the fourth picture made some people think it was made by people from atlantis. god some people are weird

anyhoo as a result of the wind and rain i am now sick. stupid weather.

mythology, megalithic, history, passage tomb, photography

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