Lá samhna shona daoibh

Nov 01, 2011 10:32

Well since its November the first i thought I'd wish you all a happy halloween/Samhain and just throw down some of the Irish traditions associated with it.

Firstly Samhain is the name of the Month of november in Irish. We tended to name most of them after the festival that went on in it such as Beltaine (May), Lunasa/Lughnasa (August), Nollaig (December) etc...

In rural areas you would often see wrenboys, this was mostly associated with St Stephens day but because it was a bit of craic theyd go around to peoples houses to play music dressed like a cross between something out of the wicker man and that lighning dude from Mortal Kombat

not meant to be but stil more terrifying than your poxy joker costume

Jack O'lantern. yes we invented them. only we had to do it with turnips.

theres a few origin stories of this, usually around the eponymous Jack tricking the devil somehow then dying and being refused entry to heaven for being deceitfull and hell as a kind of 'not you agin' from the devil. He then has to resort to wandering the land with only a lantern to guide him and a dodgy sat nav.

Barmbrack. I fucking hated barmbrack. usually an over yeasty bread with soggy sultanas that some gobshite decided to hide a METAL ring inside it as a prize.

You cant get it with the ring inside anymore on account of health and safety. good!

Of course us being west brit jackeens from the big schmoke our traditions bared more resemblance to the american way of things. th esame games, dressing up we even got a pumpkin one year.

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