Beds and Wardrobes (1/2) Meta (contains spoilers up to TBB)

Apr 13, 2010 20:02

I had a strange reaction to TBB - well, I had more than one, but the one I’ve been thinking the most about was the feeling of surprise, “Hey, Moffat did emotion - and it wasn’t that bad!”
And I thought it would be interesting to unpack that a little bit...

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disney, doctor who, myth, eleventh doctor

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Comments 51

Excellent post ext_231387 April 13 2010, 19:27:01 UTC
I've been reading your blog for, like, 8 months. Excellent, EXCELLENT, blog; intelligent, insightful and beautifully written. From the day I saw The Christmas Invasion and was blown away by it, I knew Doctor Who was something special which sooner or later would inspire exceptional writers to write exceptional stuff. Like yours.


Re: Excellent post sensiblecat April 14 2010, 19:16:03 UTC
Thank you - I appreciate your kind comment.


caz963 April 13 2010, 20:00:48 UTC
This? Is perfect. The difference between RTD's and Moffat's styles is something I've been mulling over and planning to write about, too, but you've just saved me the bother, because I think you've hit the nail on the head.

I know that we're only two episodes into the new regime, but I was watching a repeat from S3 last night on TV - it was bloody Daleks in Manhattan for Gawd's sake, so not a great episode by any standards - but you know what really hit me? (More than that, really, I felt it like a punch to the gut). The sheer energy that's on that damn screen from the moment Ten steps out of the TARDIS. He's a force of nature - and how much of that is David Tennant and how much is down to his ability as an actor, I have no idea (although having seen him on stage, I suspect the former ( ... )


surliminal April 13 2010, 23:26:19 UTC
This is so funny - I just compared Daleks in manhattan too! see below..


surliminal April 13 2010, 23:27:24 UTC
and I used a relationship analogy - this is fun :-)


azalaisdep April 22 2010, 21:15:45 UTC
I've always thought Moffat is Bach. And I tried claiming once that RTD was Wagner, but altariel put me straight on that - surely he's ABBA ;-)


hanelissar April 13 2010, 20:46:57 UTC
I think I love you, this is the best analysis of the different styles I've read. And that song is...perfect. Stunningly perfect actually, it could have been written about Amy/Amelia

Of course, understanding the difference in styles doesn't necessarily help that much to work your way through them to find a way to be happy with both. The trouble for me is, whilst I adore Moffat and Smith, having wallowed in the emotional fury of RTD's Doctor Who for so many years, along with the wild madness of Tennant, it's rather hard to adapt to the more reserved series that comes with Moffat. It's still fantastic and wonderful and beautifully written and acted, but it's such a contrast to everything that I'm used to in Doctor Who it's hard to adjust to the change.

But I am absolutely going to do my best to get used to it because once I have, I'm sure I'm going to love it. Possibly more than I ever have before.


stargazy April 13 2010, 21:04:13 UTC
This is definitely the best description of both RTD's and Moffat's that I have read. I particularly like the descriptions of Ten as fun but high-maintenance; I hadn't though of it like that, but now I can see that as one of the reasons I'm happy to welcome a Doctor that spends less time angst-sploding all over the screen every week!


sophie_03 April 13 2010, 21:13:22 UTC
This, somehow, managed to make me see what it is really that I'm feeling. I know that doesn't make sense, but that's why, although I'm already loving the new series, I feel that little bit empty about it all, as its the same show, but its not, its so different, and while I think its a good thing (I know it is) at the back of my mind there's something hollow, something missing. And you put it into words. So thank you. I think the others who commented really said it for me. :)


caz963 April 13 2010, 23:46:50 UTC
I feel that little bit empty about it all

Yes - same here! I really really want to like "new-new-Who", because I grew up with it and while I accept it had its problems, it's still one of the best things on TV and is the only show I make an appointment with each week. I'm also trying very hard not to be a "Ten's gone, it'll never be the same" type, because I know there are plenty of those out there as well.

I thought Matt Smith did a great job in TEH, and in certain scenes in TBB and I'm sure he'll go from strength to strength, but like I said in my earlier comment, Ten(nant) was a force of nature and I'm just starting to realise that he's left a bigger hole than I'd imagined.


azalaisdep April 22 2010, 21:22:08 UTC
OH yes. (Catching up on these threads very late because I was behind watching the first few eps of Eleven and wasn't sure if I cared about being spoilered.)

So far I find I can take or leave Eleven. I watch it with my six-year-old son, who wasn't allowed to watch Nine or Ten (he was too small, and besides, Nine and Ten were Grown Up Entertainment in our household) and I don't hang on every word and Shhh! him if he asks a question. He loves it, incidentally. Whereas I think the incredibly intense emotional load of Ten would have gone entirely over his head.

I'm both missing Ten desperately (I still spend the first few minutes of each ep looking at Eleven going "Who are you? Give the TARDIS keys back!") and feeling really rather relieved that I can watch it for pure fun, with my kid, and not at any risk of swearing, screaming or bursting into floods of tears (also reasons why I wouldn't have wanted to watch Ten with my six-year-old!) I think it's all still a bit wobbly, but am hopeful it will gell as the series goes on...


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