A few Girl Who Waited reaction posts have postualted that the eventual murderer of the Doctor may be the older Amy. I like this idea very much. It's an interesting variant on the "Doctor destroys companions" theme - what if he screwed one up so much that she murdered him?
I propose the following scenario - abandoned older Amy is ready to die, so she lets the bots shoot her. But she doesn't. Maybe the Doctor was wrong - again - giving her even more reason to loathe him. Or she could be injured, but Madam K et al get a fix on her, nurse her back to health and employ her to carry out Plan B, which they'll need since River has gone over to the Doctor's side.
I could see this working for two reasons. First, Amy gets her revenge and takes the Doctor down so that nobody else can be hurt like she was. Maybe, even, the coalition working against the Doctor offer her a ticket out of the Kindness Facility if she co-operates. But also, if she has reason to believe that the Doctor survives his "death", she will be offering a double gift to Melody - first the chance to break free of her conditioning and live her own life, and secondly the chance to be the right sort of companion to the Doctor, preventing future human companions suffering like she did.
It explains one or two other things - Amy and the Kovarians combined would know how to get hold of the space suit, and the Doctor apologises to his killer when he sees their face. Why would he apologise to River? Apologising to the aged Amy would be much more natural.
We didn't get the Doctor's death trailed yesterday. That could be for several reasons - it would detract from the very well done emotional charge of the final frame - but it could also be a way of trying to draw us away from associating this particular story with the events of TIA.
What about RIver's wedding to the Doctor? I have a bad feeling about that, partly because SM has referenced the Bond movie where 007's wife is shot dead on their wedding day. Those who have seen From Russia With Love may remember the song that played as he sat with her dying in his arms: We have all the time in the world...