Jun 23, 2008 20:46
So now...i still have to question homestay or not. They sent us an email saying that only 80% of the student will actually get homestay and 20% will be put into a dorm cuz to many ppl put in for homestay. This is not my dilemma...my dilemma is what they said about homestay. They said that you'd have to be home by 10pm..which a dorm is 11pm..so that's not too big a deal. However, they were saying that with homestay...you can't have any kind of job (dorms you can) and they expect you to hang out more with the family...rather than friends. Also...the rules are really strict. So i am not sure if that's how i want to be while in Japan. I do want some freedom..but this email made it sound like you want have that much. Now...if i do homestay, it's only for the 1st semester. So the 2nd semester i could change. Opinions anyone???