The Little Things Give You Away.

Feb 03, 2009 00:39

My sleep routine is just getting worse. I was up until four this morning. Don't even ask me what I was doing, I wouldn't be able to tell you, because I haven't the foggiest. I can't see how Cry Wolf could keep me up that long. It's not that long of a book, and I'm still not done with it. I don't spend that long reading it in any given sitting. Nor do I spend that long playing zOMG in any given sitting, since it makes my computer too hot. I doesn't even seem to me like that much time is going by. Oh, it's midnight. Ok. What the hell? Four? Really? What the shit have I been doing?

I slept until about one today, waking up off and on because of people screaming down stairs at each other. Come one I still really didn't want to get up. It just feels so nice, being in the dark, wrapped in my blankets, not worrying about anything. I kept drifting in and out, and then I'd jump awake "SHIT IS IT FOUR YET?" I kept thinking I was going to be late for class. Which was at 5:30. Yea, that's how badly I just want to sleep, that I thought I'd be late. So after doing that five or six times, I forced myself out of bed and down stairs.

I pretty much just did...nothing. All day. My dad came home around 2, which annoyed me. I'm really not used to being home during the day and dealing with him. Or dealing with him at all, really. I'd be in school until around 2 or 3, and then I'd be at Conner's until 10. I don't think my dad is used to it either, and that's why he feels the need to constantly fucking talk, even if he's saying stupid shit or repeating himself. :/

I went back upstairs a little bit after he came home, and figured it was about time I really listened to the last album Seether released. I'd downloaded it a while ago, but never found a chance to listen. It pleased me, and I danced around while I got dressed. I keep forgetting I lost weight, so when I put on some more of my tight pants, I was confused when they were lose. I need to start wearing my belt again. While I am happy to be losing weight, I wish I was doing it in a more healthy way. And also that magically I had some muscle show up. Without doing any work for them. x3

We were a little late to Art History. It wasn't too bad today. I think the lectures themselves will be ok, but when it comes to the quiz's, I think I'll do bad. I'm not at all confident in my ability to memorize dates.

My English teacher continues to amuse me. "Come on, people. You have the book, I'm going in alphabetical order. HOW HARD IS THIS?!" "But sir, I'm having a bad day..." "Bad day? I'm 59 years old, don't talk to me about bad days. I go to bed every night not knowing if I'll wake up again!" and "Art used to be something. Now you have these rap thingys, and the men are wearing these suits, and then the women come out in bikinis and stiletto heels. Shake your ass and show some skin and that's art these days! What the fuck is this world?"

When I got home I went back to doing nothing on-line. Then I went to read some Cry Wolf for a while. My eyes got tired of that, so here I am?

I can tell by your smile you're coming undone
I could bleed for a smile; could die for a gun
Walk away from the sun and kill everyone

So tiny dancer beware, we're medicated and scared
This smile is so hard to wear, but I have no gun
Seems like something we'd do. Only probably with cake instead of booze.

college, retroactive tag

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