Nov 29, 2005 22:14
this is cut and pasted from my journal about a week ago from a friend only post:
i fucking hate that word and they toss it around so easily as if no one around them would ever get offened or bothered by it. and that both of them work at a beauty supply shop that 99.9% of the customers we have happen to be black, and their money supplies the food on their table and the clothing on their back. and i can only wish they would give a little respect for those that give their pocket money to give them what's in their pockets now.
so to be fucking honest... it make me wonder what the fuck has happen to respect in the world and in my own family.
I was never talked to about what has happen to nor about my sister wanted to moving back in. So do not jump the gun and tell me that I'M at fault for what has happen or the prevention of anything occuring.
I did mention that i perfer krystal to stop using that word, because of respect of myself and others in this society and world, that others could easily be offened by it.
I have never recieved a formal apology from my sister. I barely spoke to my sister on thanksgiving. The most time we spend together was cooking, and playing mario party.
I also perfer to not be around my sister, and I'm also not comfortable that she treats me more like a friend than a family member. I am a sister not a friend.
What i am angry about with my sister, is that she was angry that i spoke and was the ONLY person that defended to those that were lynching my sister online.
due to the fact that i was only defending my sister because i belived that the time she was harrassed, lynched, and badly spoken of from people whom i have no personal relations with.
when in fact that in the past, when i started dating rich, and nick was saying bad things about myself and rich. I sister chose to be friends with him, never denfended once, stayed close friends with him and i was fully aware of their relationship.
also after the past events with Mr. flaum, and calling the police on my family. I refused to speak to him nor be friend with him, when in fact that sister still kept contact with mr flaum, stays friend with him, nor take the time to defend or explain to him on how i felt about the past events or my parents.
also, with paul t. after i was lied to, being harrassed and i personally cut ties with him, while my sister continued to be friends with him.
I at least took the time to defend you when no one else would. I took time to put myself on the line for you. I have taken personal harrassment, lynching, bad mouthing, lied to, and many other events that are not fair nor right in my eyes, to be a sister and stood up on my own two feet and tried to be there for you. What i personally recieved was a FUCK you to the face.
That got me angry a couple months ago.
So if you or any of the AIM spams i have recieved in the past for talking to ONE person krystal did not like.
You have talked to THREE people in the past whom at one point i did not like, care for, or even personally cring even thinking about them.
Actually, you remained friends with THREE people in the past whom at one point i did not like, care for, or even personally cring even thinking about them.
I'm also angry that the fact you left my personal information on view to people i do not know. And you lied to mom that the phone calls were pranks and that my screen name is available on my userinfo page. You have left my cell phone number, and my personal screen name for others to view. where i was harrassed by complete strangers from your personal story.
I also happen to be angry due to the fact that when i asked who's opinion did you care for more paul c. or myself
the answer i recieved was, "wah your a crybaby, go cry about it"
which in my eyes and my feeling believe that to mean, i care more about my best friend than i do my own sister.
I have never recieved an single apology from you. You have treated me better, but you have never once told me in my face once "im sorry for the past events that have happen"
So do not tell people that you have apology when in fact i have never heard it once.
I perfer you to not to say that i have treated you badly when never once i have. Also, if i did insult you, it would never measure to the amount of time where you have personally insulted me. If you perfer to note down and tell people the insults i have said from the past holiday season, I have many more of the insults which you have given me in the past. In comparison of how you treated me in the past three years cannot be made up in one night of insults.
The many hurtful things you have told me in the past, hurt my feelings, and self worth as a sister.
Yes i have treated you differently, but not in an ill tone manner, nor actual embarressment which you have done many times to me in from of family and friends.
You and I are no Angels, nor are we both Devils....