My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haulsenshi02 goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as pregnant nun.
baerish gives you 7 red apple-flavoured gummy bats.
dainslaif gives you 19 light orange passionfruit-flavoured wafers.
kunotron gives you 12 light blue lemon-flavoured jelly beans.
kupopo gives you 1 dark blue cinnamon-flavoured pieces of taffy.
newy gives you 9 yellow orange-flavoured gummy worms.
operativesix gives you 6 light green coconut-flavoured miniature candy bars.
pinkbunnyhop tricks you! You lose 12 pieces of candy!
rehabrichi gives you 18 green vanilla-flavoured gummy fruits.
whenfallcomes gives you 15 blue apple-flavoured pieces of taffy.
wmdagger gives you 3 brown blueberry-flavoured gummy bats.senshi02 ends up with 78 pieces of candy.Another fun meme brought to you by
... so if i go as a pregnant nun... i get a shitload of candy...
that is so badass