Mar 26, 2005 20:50
last couple days werent too bad. work wasn't as bad as i thought it would be, it was actually semi-enjoyable..minus the bitchy old ladys that were extremely picky with their hams. one guy tipped me $5, it was awesome, i wished him a super happy easter. my mom came in and i gave her a special secret discount on some good food, not ham though, eww i hate ham. the side dishes and cheesecake are soo effing im so fat, i'll stop. i can't wait to get paid i need money sooo friggin bad. yeah soo last night i hung out with some losers, it was fun. this morning i had to go to a funeral for my great aunt, and got to hear how big i got about 50 times from family members i haven't seen in i dont even know how long and ones that i dont even know. yeah and after that i went to chilis, which has the best food EVER..i love it. then i pretty much slept for the rest of the day and i plan on pulling an all nighter and desperately trying to finish my shitload of homework that i didnt even start yet, should be super-fun man! yeahh so thats all for now.