
Jul 05, 2004 20:55

This weekend was tremendous. I had so much fun yesterday and today. friday and saturday were kinda gay though. god, i think friday mom and i went to stop and shop and that was it. saturay...oh wait...we went to stop and shop that day. because we ran into nisa and poofie and invited them over later that day, so chilled for a bit, then poofie came. then wigga and brianna stopped by so she could get her bathing suit and drop of the big box of shit for the wedding, they're all so excited, im not....i'll get to why in a few..so wigga was being kinda of weird to me and said she'd pick me up the next morning. so i did some laundry and ate some food with nisa dave and poofie. then mary-bruce came over. made a cake. then next morning i wake up at 9:45 because thats when i had set my alarm for, becuase wigga said morning. mom and earl were gone, foxwoods of course. so i sit at home, its about 12 now. and im getting pretty upset cuz i dont think wigga is gonna show, so i was upstairs in my room, and i was just having a bad day, not just because of the wigga thing, bt other things had happened....so dad calls me over to the stairs, and is like "get ready nichole will be here in an hour", and things jsut got better. i was all ready,and poofie came over with vegas and i was chillin outside with them. then wigga shows up with brianna and we;re on our way. I've realized brianna isnt as bad as i though once you talk to her. shes pretty nice, very much of a wigga though. wow i ahve a nose bleed...so we get there and i put my stuff in anthony's moms camper. i guess me wigga and brianna were staying there. and i quickly throw on my baajin sooot, shorts and a haha "wife-beater" and we headed down to mike and wendy's site, which essentially in very close proximity to carl's camper, which is very close to ours, and mike and wendy's camper is next to donna and roland's. so we show up there and i have a cake in my hand and they were like "haha she deff blends in well here with the rest of us" so we sat for a while, ate some food. there was chowder, clamcakes, porketta, a baked ham, crab rangoons, cake, fries, and various types of hors de'overes. so at about 10 of six i ask brianna if she wants to come back to the camper with me becayse i wanted to change. beceuase we werent gonna be on the boat for a while, and i am very uncomfortable wearing shorts. so wigga came too, we all had the same idea. so we get there and we all change and sit and start talking, and they fall asleep on me for and hour, then i get pissed and wake them up. so we go out the door and zachs coming to see whast going on with us. and we all walk back there together, hang out for under an hour. then roland takes me wigga, brianna and zach on the boat. zach's wicked funny. I guess he;s the one im walking down the isle with. his favorite band is finch, so yeah, we had something to talk about. oh man i wnet tubing again. me and brianna got on whats named the "hot dog tubr" because it looks like a hot dog in a bun. it was really fun. we fell off. i HATE that. i suck at swimming..life jackets are yay. my shorts that i always wear with my abting suit fell off. haha. i had to grab them before they sank. roland was all excited for today because eh thought it was gonna be nice, and he wanted to take me for a hell ride on the tube...how sweet...my sisters soon-to-be-brother-in-law wants me to fly off of a tube knowing i hate it. haha but love it so. so me zach and brianna went swimming, zach lost his shorts...on purpose. his nakedness was right near the ladder to get in the boat, and things were touvhing me (fish and water-plants...not zachs body parts...i had to clarify because that didnt sound too right) so i was like "put you shorts back on because i cnat be in the water anymore because things are swimming by me! so he just kinda swam (still naked) to the other side of the boat. and i got in. when we went to tie the nboat up (the beaut is its name...idk thats what they used to call anthony or something)everyone was coming down cuz it was time for us to set off the fireworks. so we did that, and this little girl heather became my shadow. then we went back up to the camper s. wigga and brianna stopped at carl's camper to shower, and zach and i were jsut talking and this kid brian, he's like 10, kept telling us the most far fetched and annoying stories, it was painful we were like...in tears...we tried everything to amke him leave, but he wouldnt. ya know what, as much as i do ahve fun, its nice to ahve someone close to your age, and with similar tastes to talk to, that isnt a complete wigga. haha so there was a drunken bout of drama...can't have a family outing without it...me wigga zach and brianna were sitting at a picnic table trying not to laugh. it was crazy cuz it was so late. then me wigga brianna zach mike roland carl the drama causers friend kim carls friend eddy and two random dudes non of us knew that were completly harpooned (as they put it)took a midnight booze crooz on the pontoon boat. it was fun, we were out there for a few hours...god we were all so cold, espcially zach cuz he had wiggas alch straight from the freezer in his pocket for her. we set some more fireworks off on the island. wigga was sooo drunk she had to piss everytime we hit land so she kept going "uh! gotta poppasquat" haha. it was fun. then we went bacl to the camper and went to bed after drunk carl kept making fun of these people we walked by and kept saying stuff about crack...haha. this morning we woke up, anthony's mom (kathy) showed up, then bonnie came over we all hung out then the little kids came, and we ate food. brianna fell asleep, the kids left and we discussed stuff concerning the wedding, and the walking down the isle arrangements. then me and wigga left, and now im here. so yeah...fuuun

this is why im not excited for the wedding....well first, let me give you a rundown of the month of october. so, it starts out slow. then the 10th is mmy stupid "sweet 16" gaaaay. thats on a sunday, but the next day wigga's dismissing me, and we're going out for lunch, and going to get my permit. that thursday is the rehersal thena cookout at kathy and elvis's (his names really norm). that friday is the batchelor/batchelorette party...me and brianna obviously aren't going, but i guess we're gonna do something... sunday's the wedding. not going to school that monday. the next weekend is salem. and thats the last amount of time i'll be with my sister. because she'll be moving to hawaii for 3 years, and taht really really really really sucks. what am i gonna do without wigga, she's the only one in this house that doesn't amke me want to murder small children...okay maybe that was a little weird, but you get the point. but at least she's with anthony and not that fat douche bag tim...what a fucking fag that guy was.

awww kathy was like "yeah norm comes back from his trip with the elks this week, he went to minnesota" and my face lit up and wigga explained it. then when i wnet to carl and donnas camper s too see what they were doing kathy told wigga that if she talked to norm before he left the airport that she'd tell him to buy me a minnesota shirt...how hilarious is that? they love me too. its great. anothony's comingg back in august so they'll be at the campground alot, hopefully wigga will bring me with, and we can all do some "fucking kamakazi style tubZing" the owrds of a drunk man. haha. well im gonna go now...play some snood eventhoyugh it burns my eyes...
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