To Label What's Going On In D.C. This Week a "Power-Grab" Would Imply That It's In Any Way Difficult

Mar 24, 2009 19:25

I find it ironic that so many people who are all in a huff about the AIG thing have pretty consistently staked out an anti-free-market position, given that their "outrage" is a wholly manufactured consumer product. It's a lesson for people like me, who would normally posit the belief that government doesn't make anything. This, of course, is untrue; we're seeing firsthand in Washington this week just what government makes: Balloon juice, grandstanding, blame-shifting and, in the case of our Esteemed President, playground-level name-calling. And, yeah, I could point out the crushing irony inherent in the very people who spent the last eight years whining about how Bush was granted excessive Executive power now being prepared to give President Obama any power he wants, but it's not central to my point, so I'll leave it for now.

Anyhow, this is getting me away from my central point, which is that I'm goddamned sick and tired of hearing about this story. So, I'll try to sum it up in a nutshell:

If you voted for Democrats or Republicans, you voted for this. All of it. The bailouts, the cheap meaningless demagoguery, the posturing by the very politicians who caused the problems in the first place... it ALL falls at your doorstep. You begged for it on bended knee; nay, you demanded it as though you were somehow entitled to it.

So, congratulations. You got EXACTLY what you asked for. Now kindly do me the small courtesy of not regaling me with with tales of how much you HATE it.

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