Dec 18, 2006 09:08
So last night, I was playing Zelda and all of the sudden my floor growled at me... I assumed it was my mom moving furnature or something cuz anyone who lives upstairs in a house as I do now will know that if you move furnature on the floor below it makes your floor sound like it's making funny sounds. Anyway, I went downstairs and found my mom in the band room playing her keyboard and I asked her if maybe the water in the washing machine or toilet backed up and that's what I heard... She said no.
We go upstairs back to my room and I describe what I heard and she says maybe it's the floorboards and I tell her that I heard the thing 3 times and on the third time I was standing and I felt the floor vibrate. At this point my dad called my mom to ask her something and she tells me to tell him what's wrong... While I'm on the phone with him he tells me that he thought he heard something the other night too and so did my mom and when they went to investigate the room next to mine they saw what looked like something had chewed some of the insulation...
At this point my dad goes, maybe we have ghosts! and I'm like no, this wasn't ghosts cuz Kat or Marrina would have seen them by now!(I didn't actually say that but I just thought of it)All of a sudden my floor distinctly growls again and my mom jumps in the air throws her hands up and goes AAAAAHHHHH!!! I start laughing and my dad goes "that was dumb of you to bring her up there with you, get her out of your room." suddenly it does it again and this time we hear something knocking against the floorboards again and again my mom jumps, throws her hands up and goes AAAAAHHHHH!!! and again my dad starts yelling at me saying that it may be the rafters going cuz of all the weight of furniture up there and I remind him that before I cleaned it there was considerably MORE weight up there than the small amount of stuff I have in there now.
I decide to test a theory, I look at my mom, smile, and I stomp on the floor as hard as I can and again the floor growls and again my mom jumps, throws her hands in the air and goes AAAAHHHHH! I start laughing and my dad hangs up. As it turns out, an animal must've gotten in the window when it was still open and is now living under my floorboards... It didn't make noise when my dad came home and I tried to show him by stomping on the floor again so I think it scurried back into the room next to mine. We're gonna call some sort of animal control center or something to get it out. I'd rather not kill it if I don't have to.