Dec 16, 2005 00:58
My, Look how much you've grown!
As always, here's last year's post at this very day. Kinda in the same situation as last year, except now procrastinating from my discrete structures final. Me and Doug beat all of Donkey Kong Country 1 today. Sweet
you know what day it is? It's my aniversary with someone who's very special to me. Someone who i've shared my most fond memories and emotions with. Someone who has been with me exactly one year and will probably never leave. Someone who helps me procrastinate from my homework or in this case studying for my chem final. This figure we are speaking of is my livejournal.
Yup, i started exactly a year ago today. Here was my first post:
05:40 pm - Look at Me, I have a journal, Look at Me
Hi. I have a live journal. How cool am I? Now I'm trying to figure out how to make it so I can change what it looks like. Look at my icon, isn't it totally sweet? It's from the old fluid pamphlets before they all got ruined. Yeah, This is so lame. But oh well. That's all I have to say.
Current Mood: geeky
Current Music: Saliva - Your Disease
Times have changed a lot since then.
Current Mood: [mood icon] geeky
Current Music: Saliva - Your Disease