My Schedule Next Semester:
CMSC330: Organization of Programming Languages;
The semantics of programming languages and their run-time organization. Several different models of languages are discussed, including procedural (e.g., C, Pascal), functional (e.g., ML, LISP), rule-based (e.g., Prolog), and object-oriented (e.g., C++, Smalltalk). Run-time structures, including dynamic versus static scope rules, storage for strings, arrays, records, and object inheritance are explored
CMSC351: Algorithms;
A systematic study of the complexity of some elementary algorithms related to sorting, graphs and trees, and combinatorics. Algorithms are analyzed using mathematical techniques to solve recurrences and summations.
PHYS102: Physics of Music;
A study of the physical basis of sound, acoustical properties of sound, the human ear and voice, reproduction of sound, electronic music, acoustical properties of auditoriums, and other selected topics.
PHYS103: Physics of Music Laboratory;
Optional laboratory to accompany PHYS 102. Laboratory experiments, including the velocity of sound, sound quality and wave shape, traveling and standing waves, fourier synthesis and analysis, musical synthesizer, psychoacoustics, and audio equipment.
HIST219P: Empire! The British Imperial Experience, 1558-1997;