Even when I'm upset, there's always tennis to calm me.
That match with Tezuka...even though we didn't finish it was incredible. I haven't played like that in years! I had forgotten why I had gotten into tennis in the first place, and then there was that.
Tennis has always been the way to lose myself in everything. I believe that match cemented my old belief that tennis can't be taken away from me. I am tennis.
I'm a little upset that I hadn't been able to reach the first door until last night, but now that I have, I want to learn more, polish it, learn how to open it voluntarily. Watching Tezuka play and give it his all has inspired me to keep going.
Last call for ghost hunting, guys. We're going Saturday night-shrine visit first, and then to the museum. If you have any sort of recording equipment, bring it. I have my EMFs and my audio stuff, but if anyone has a good video camera or still camera, that would be awesome.
And to anyone who has been adopted by my sister (yes, that means everyone who ever set foot in Rikkai) or anyone who just wants a weekend away-Amaya is graduating from Rikkai next weekend, and Casa Yuki is open for business. =) The house is huge, so anyone who wants to come can, if you don't mind sleeping on the floor. Just let me know.
Roommates-there's a set of pelicans on the kitchen counter. I'm going to move them later, but for now please don't touch them. The primer needs to dry.
And...White Day. I wake up this morning and I've already gotten chased by guys (while I'm giving chocolate to the girls. Have they not figured out yet that I'm not one?) An-chan, Terry, I reaaally hope I can give you two your gifts in person, but if not, An-chan, you'll get yours tomorrow when we go shopping, and Terry-wait, I'm seeing you at work today. Nevermind. =)
Happy White Day, everyone, love you all! =) And now for a few private messages.
Genichirou-Play tennis with me Sunday afternoon. I want to try something.
Shinji-Did he apologize to you yet? He's leaving Minami for private practice. I will not be referring people to him.
And I'm wondering-would you like me to put in your name for a recommendation to get hired by us? I'm being asked to nominate my top two mentees.
Oishi- Bad news. I went and checked with our little troublemaker, and it looks like he has a tennis scholarship. But...I have a feeling he's lying. I'm trying to find a way to check that.
Sen and Inui-I know you two are giving me a ton of freedom with planning this wedding, but I need to know two things. First off, what's the budget? The only reason I jumped at booking that temple was because it wasn't too expensive and it honors gay marriages. Emailed both of you pictures, by the way.
Number two, I'm looking for reception locations, but I need to have a general idea (not an exact number, just an idea) of how many people are going to be there.
Tezuka-Thank you again for the match. It's always nice to have something new to work on. And the pelicans were primed last night, so I'm waiting for that to dry so I can start really painting them.
Fuji- If we can't set a date for hot sauce making soon, we're going to lose the major spiciness of the peppers. Also, I'll finish off that pitcher of Inui Juice in the fridge. =)
Gakuto- Since we'll be in Kanagawa next weekend, want to take Amaya on a shopping spree for graduation? She'll love us forever. And DUDE!! You've GOT to see Cata! She's grown!! She's still adorable and cute and tiny, but she's grown a little bit and turned pink.
(ooc: For the White Day gifts, An is getting
this, and Terry is getting