That's IT.
Congratulations. You have all succeeded in pissing me off.
If you have a question about my health, then ask me. Do NOT go around asking my friends or my boyfriend to give you the scoop. They will not tell you. Thank you very much, Sanada, for making Takashi worry!
If you believe I am a slut, then ask me about my sexual history. I'm quite
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I heard through the grapevine-and later from Takashi-that Momo and Kaidou decided (without knowing me, mind you), that I am a slut. I already talked with Takashi about my sexual history (not like there's a whole lot to tell, I've only slept with four people), and I know he doesn't care.
I'm pissed off at all the "secrecy". And I'm sick of the rumors.
...bloody hell. When did we go back to kindergarten? Seriously. You are no slut, far from it. Is it just because you're open about it that they feel that? They haven't said anything to you yet, have they? good lord.
Well, I must be a slut too. Maybe I should make up t-shirts. Do you want one?
Well, you know I'm always open with you, and I know you're always open with me. Maybe that's why we get along.
Apparently around here, having open sexuality is equal to being a slut. If I could just get an apology, I wouldn't be so pissed off.
...I want a slut t-shirt. But it has to be fashionable. I bought that bomber jacket, so I need a good t-shirt to go underneath.
Exactly. Around certain people-that would be you, Sen, and Takashi-I'm a firm believer of no secrets.
Surprisingly, I haven't really heard anything mentioned about me. I'm jealous! and I've slept with more people! *sighs* oh well. Oh, I'll make you a shirt. What colour do you want? and you bought the jacket? I want to try it on.
Nope. secrets hurt too much.
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