Aug 23, 2010 00:58
Things that can annoy me if you're my housemates: (Nothing serious, just thought I'd make a list and evaluate what it is that irks me sometimes...)
- Putting dishes in the sink w/ food still in it. Either it's a bone or a spoonful of rice left, please at least dump all uneaten things in the trash! I absolutely hate it when there's food left in the bowl when I'm being a good Samaritan and washing the dishes for someone. Who asked me to wash the dishes??? (See next thing...)
- Leaving unwashed dishes in the sink for too long. I don't expect everyone to wash their dishes immediately (especially when you just used some pots/pans/plate to make a meal. The main thing you should do after that would just be to enjoy the food), but leaving dirty dishes in the sink too long will successfully annoy me. It will annoy me to the point that I WILL wash it (sometimes.... when I'm in a "generous mood"). Think of the possible ants and roaches that might come out.
- Leaving make-up, toothbrush, toothpaste, contact lense stuff, etc on the bathroom counter. The bathroom counter is the "neutral zone," so it should be cleared at all times when no one is using it. Also wipe down the sink with a towel when done using. I hate to see water puddles too.
- Inconsiderate people/ people who do not know their place/ people who do not respect other people's space/ or just plain stupid people. When you visit a friend's apartment, please keep your voice down and keep negative comments to yourself. If you got a complaint, please just tell your friend privately and not announce it to the world when the house mate is just next door. You're just asking for some of my hate, and you look stupid for not knowing any house manners. Oh and take your shoes off when you enter my apartment you *replace with appropriate swear word*.
- People who cuss... a lot. I'm okay with cussing once in a while, but if it's becoming part of your everyday vocab... there may be a problem. I can't exactly pinpoint what it is that... irks me. Maybe it's because I associate cussing w/ being mad, so if you're cussing in every other sentence, you better be super duper angry. Plus cussing constantly seems.... degrading? low? uncivilized? These terms can't quite portray how I feel about this. :/ Example of what would be questionable to me: What's that effing stain on your effing wall? Is it an effing spider or some effing shit?! -fumes at the memory of that "inconsiderate/stupid" girl-
On the side note: my roommie is here w/ me tonight~ No more lonely nights... TT^TT