Oct 10, 2005 10:00
1.)Go to Google.
2.)Type "(insert your name) needs"...so I'd put "Rob needs"
3.)Choose the best/funniest 10 and post them in a comment.
*NOTE* The further down the hits, the more interesting the needs.
Rob needs... your support and donations. (He's in college, remember?)
Rob needs... Net Clued Lawyer. (wtf? ^^)
Rob needs... more volunteers. (This one kinda works.)
Rob needs... to move his legs and he prefers to do such with a lady dance partner in his arms. (Aww yeah.)
Rob needs... your body fat. (No, he doesn't.)
Rob needs... credit for steeping up and fighting the biggest guy on the show! (Shouldn't it be "stepping"?)
Rob needs... to get ass in ear and get an internship lined up for the summer. (I think that's another typo.)
Rob needs... help getting his life back on track since he's raising his grandchild. (It's been a hard few months.)
Rob needs... physically restraining to keep him off Vikki. (Rawr!)
Rob needs... to remind consumers that he is still in business. (Hey guys, I'm still in business.)
Ooh, and chem class today:
Laurie: "Being called first-years makes everything so Harry Potter."
Me: *British accent* "I got sorted into McClellan, how about you guys?"