Sep 08, 2003 23:35
Just keep going in circles. My first journal entry ever, two years ago last April, I was complaining about staying up all night, and that I need to do the opposite. Thats the theme of this journal, or so it seems. And a few months later, theres me, complaining about being a mod and maybe I don't want to be one, maybe I do, and this trend has continued to this very day. First at IV, and then as a staff writer for Althanas, then a Bazaar mod, and now as a RoG mod.
I'm tired of tutoring people. Thats what the job is, almost. I've been slacking in doing it. I remain because........ I don't know. I do know that I'm getting tired of it, and I know my professional (loosely) peers and superiors are as well, probably moreso than I. I always, at some point fool myself into thinking that I want to be a mod. It's always temporary. I don't know, dunno, don't. So sick of that phrase.