I suppose that's good. Cold blooded animals can die if they go into hibernation improperly, you know. Though you wouldn't have had to worry of course as squirrels and humans are both warm blooded.
Yes, a wizard. Does your friend go to Hogwarts, or is she all grown, then?
You're a giant squirrel? That may be the most unusual thing yet. What's that like, then?
I'm not a giant squirrel, by the way. I am just a young woman who happens to have a great big fluffy tail and assorted squirrely powers.
My name's Hugo. Only, I'm just an ordinary wizard. I can climb trees, though.
You're a wizard? Neat! One of my friends is a witch.
Yes, a wizard. Does your friend go to Hogwarts, or is she all grown, then?
Wanda's an adult. She's a superhero, just like me.
Oh. Witches can grow up to be superheroes? I had no idea. If my sister knew that I'll bet she would try!
Right. Well, I have to get my homework done now I suppose. Pleased to meet you, tough. A squirrel girl, who could have guessed?
All right, I won't.
Only...you can see me, can't you?
I had a bout of invisibility earlier. Thankfully it must have worn off.
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