(no subject)

May 21, 2004 11:15

hummnnnammmnam!!!! well as u know this wouldnt be katya.... ha cause its not. i am a secret adimore of u. i am ur secret lover that u wont talk to anyone about. i am ashamed and hurt greatly!! how could u ever do that to me. why would u, do u not love me any more? why? u casued me soo much pain n u keep me up all night crying over you. why wont u ever give me a chance?! argh!!! i am insane over u!!!.....

ok thats enough... well now that was a joke! katya is to lazy yto update her journal so she is makin me do it. its kinda weird.. lets go throught the things she has been doin.. well she is the president of the us.. ha just kindin but she is the president of sga n about to kill alex cause he keeps annoying her. she is crazy, one time she chased him across a street n through the library parkinglot n he ran soo fast o0o man it was great n then this was the best joke ever played on him!! i was eatin smarties n katya had medicine that looked like it, like advil or something it was white n alex was like o0o give me some so we added the medicine to it n he ate it, bite right into it n o0o man his face was soo funny. he started spittin it out evryhere n coughint casue it tasted soo bad.. lmao.. omg it was soo good me n her couldnt stop laughin for the whole day he was gonna kill us n he poured water all over katya. he still hasnt gotten us back for that n we also got mr. kitson on this he pretend to write up alex like he got in trouble n had to see the securtiy guards.. that was funny to. wow we got him good. well thats all for today! woot woot!
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