(no subject)

Oct 18, 2006 08:13

these are the ones that really got me.

14. Guys are good flatterers when courting but they usually stammer when they talk to a girl they really like.

17. Guys are very open about themselves. (NOT NECESSARILY..TRUST ME)

18. It's good to test a guy first before you trust him. But don't let him wait too long.

22. Guys love you more than you love them if they are serious in your relationships. (MAYBE.)

29. A guy has to experience rejection, because if he's too-good-never-been-busted, never been in love and hurt, he won't be mature and grown up.

32. Guys learn from experience not from the romance books that girls read and take as their basis of experience.

33. Guys worry about the thin line between being compassionate and being whipped. (YES, HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH)

34. If a guy looks unusually calm and laid back, he's probably faking it and is spazzing inside.

35. When a guy says he is going crazy about the girl, he really is. Guys rarely say that.

37. Guys don't really have final decisions. (MOST DEF. HOLYCRAPP)

38. If a guy starts to talk seriously, listen to him. It doesn't happen that often, so when it does, you know something's up. (YEEAAAAAAH)

46. Guys talk about girls more than girls talk about guys. (SUCH LIES! NOT W/ ME AND MY GIRLS, HAHA)

50. No guy can handle all his problems on his own. He's just too stubborn to admit it.

60. When a guy sacerfices his sleep and health just to be with you, he really likes you and wants to be with you as much as possible

61. Your best friend, the guy you can go to with anything, is the guy who loves you more than any other ever could. He'd do anything to be with you, and will always love you. When he sees you cry he wishes he could change the stars to make you happy. He would go to the end of the world for you and loves you deeply

* the last one really got to me.. in a freaky kind of way. it seems all too familiar. aaaaaaay =S i know its true =\

but what do you do when you just dont feel that way towards that person you know? it kinda sucks when the guy who you could put your life on the line for, the guy who you know will be there NO MATTER WHAT, the guy who has seen you through your best AND worst, the guy who you can run to for anything without having to worry, who will put his time and effort into helping you out... isnt the one you can really pictrue yourself with?

i know it sucks for the guy- there' a DEFINITE boundary between friends and boyfriend but sometimes the lines that define that boundary arent as visible as you'd would like them to be. there's just that whole `JUST FRIENDS ZONE`.

the weirdest thing is to find out your guy bestfriend likes you...A LOT. i know for me, i definitely didnt see it and when you find out its just kinda all shock. i knw that that guy would take care of me no matter what, after all he's seen me through it all, but the relationship evolves more into a deep friendship than a g-b relationship.
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