Imagine if this one turned up on academics_anon...

Sep 20, 2008 23:59

pigsh1t4braynes: You sound like a student, and therefore I hate you. Go away.
...sexuallyfrustrated: IAWTC. What's more, I'd very much like to lick your balls. Anyone's balls. Balls in general.
lockedinthelibrarybymistakeandeveryonesgonehome: Omigod I so love your icon!!! P.S. Help! Does anyone know how to pick locks? I've tried Google and everything.
spitefullyresentful: I once slept with someone who wrote a paper about Goetic seals, so I feel torn between wanting to help you, and - plagued by my own flashbacks - hunting you down with the rest of the pack. Sorry if this isn't helpful. No I'm not. Oh, I don't know. Have you tried Google?
sneakystalker: I went straight to your user info and, because I have six LiveJournal sockpuppets myself, I think you're as twisted and f*cked up as I am. Go away.
onlyhere4thedrama: You're a Satanist! I bet there's something in the community rules about not helping you...
...unoriginalcrapartist: Can I steal your icon before this post gets deleted?
lazywoogler: Google! Wikipedia! Google!
...wikipedophile: Wikipedia is like totally awesome! Totally. And awesome.
footsoldier26: I've sent you a private message because I think you might be someone trying to wind someone else up, but they didn't make a friends-locked post about it beforehand, and now I'm confused about the whole thing. No wonder my lectures are shit.
helpfulsmartarse: Here are three links to relevant sites, and a slightly scathing comment about the state of postgraduate research skills, c.1990-the present day (probably using the word "Google" derisively).
desperatelyneedsfriends: Can I friend you?
clippedandabrupt: No.
constellationofmole: Nobody understands me. Do you know my father?
egomaniacallyinclined: I only want to talk about ME and MY experiences. Bow down to my uniquely solipsistic frame of reference NOW, damn you.
untenuredandsmelly: Can't you just use something else? Are you trying to impress us? You remind me of me, but if I say that on here then I'm dead.
...tenuredbutstillsmelly: +1.
......hiveminded: This. Isn't a proper sentence.

You're all

so special.

Magic Word of the Day: Generic.

lj, links, academia

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