The last word on Hillary...

Sep 05, 2008 05:23

...goes to Susan Sarandon:

"At this point, to say after what's happened to her campaign and how they squandered all that money and all the different reasons her campaign fell apart, to blame it on sexism, I find so destructive to every young girl who dreams about making a difference through government...Instead of saying, 'Look how far I've gotten and you can do it too,' and all the positive things she could have done, she's turned into such a blamer and whiner, as if that was the reason, when clearly she wouldn't have been in the position she was in if she hadn't been a woman."

(Cheers to Colin for the heads-up.)


Edit: Probably not the last word on Sarah Palin, however...

"Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin seems to have switched colleges at least six times in six years, including two stints at the University of Idaho before graduating from there in 1987."


Edit 2: Among other things in my Inboxes, I've had another question about "hazing" on academics_anon. *Sigh.*

Y'know, usernames and userpics may change, but it's the same entities which keep popping up in this context, time after time.

If people are going to start out from a position of feeling intimidated, and then get the collywobbles about complaining because of presumed "relationships" suggested by members' Friends lists, then I'd suggest the following:

1. Petition LiveJournal for Friends-related data to be removed from the Info pages.
2. Grow a spine.

a little bit o' politics, lj, links, e-mail, academia, friends

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