...were full of open-mouthed apoplexy at George Bush's words regarding Georgia. ("George on Georgia" already sounds like a genteel, middle class 1970s porno featuring too much hopsack for comfort.) True - if you apply what he said about "the illegal invasion of a sovereign nation" to Iraq, then your brain is liable to get sucked into the small, dark vacuum of what passes for his. If it causes you pain, or discomfort, just don't play that game. We already know that Bush doesn't "get" irony. On any level. He's merely making the most of his position until they take his toys away this winter, and leave him flailing in his own poop.
If you need to take heart, think of all the jokes you'll be able to crack tonight regarding Medvedev calling a halt to the Georgian "adventure" not because of W, but because Sarkozy's visiting Moscow:
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/7555858.stm Saakashvili is still a dangerous, US-educated hothead of a lawyer, Putin's still running the show, and Russian soldiers - perked-up on Red Bull and cheap Primorsky Krai cocaine - will take their time retreating, creating a few more weeping widows and grandmothers on their way out...
Edit: Yes, I saw it. No, I can't be bothered explaining UK/USA differences with regard to the term "postdoc", how it works in the British academic payscale, or any other subtle points relating to (e) codes across disciplines. There was a postdoc in metaphysics at Leeds on offer last month, you know. Only the terminally depressed needed to apply... ;o)