It's slightly strange...

Aug 11, 2008 01:23

...but the largest amount of non-LiveJournal feedback I receive (specifically concerning my LiveJournal entries) continues to focus on what's wrong with LiveJournal security. Usually, in the case of old lags and former comrades, it's the familiar leg-pulling or banter ("You're STILL on LJ? Why, in the name of all that's unholy, are you using that...blogger's teabag of a security joke?" etc.).

It's a fair question, given the seemingly unending notoriety/user blindness out there regarding EllJay's rep in the wild. And whilst I poke fun at it all myself now and again (, the reason why you can read this entry if you're not in some mythical "inner circle" should speak volumes (I hope). Does anyone wear this stuff with pride?

Independent corroboration never hurts, though, so once again I'm grateful to arcanology_blog for following (and reporting on) the DEFCON proceedings:


The mishaps and marauders associated with (anti)social networking are little more than a niche interest, but I still try to keep a weather eye on where the money's generally headed...for old times' sake. ;o)


Edit: Via sott_rss, that other great techie mainstay of these parts - the tangible invisibility cloak - makes a welcome return to newsworthiness...

lj, links, l33t, techie goodness, blogging, gadgets, academia, techie badness

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