That's no way to roast a chicken...

Jun 11, 2008 16:45;_ylt=AlH6ji1ATxVUyT0cfRwxsNPtiBIF

Of course, if it ever happens here, the chances are we'll be able to hold the chicken for 42 days without charge until we get some straight answers out of it:

(Incidentally, on a more serious note, and before the ongoing debate in the House of Commons descends into bribes for votes just for the sake of preserving Gordon Brown's shattered ego, the best only argument for this Bill put forward by the government is that the police and intelligence services are so shit at their jobs, they can't analyse captured evidence sufficiently within 28 days. That's not an argument for extending the period of detention-without-charge, and making this country look even more pathetically inefficient in the face of fundamentalist nut-jobs than it already is. It's an argument for recruiting - and paying a decent enough salary to keep - enough tech-savvy officers to do the work required competently*, and on time. Wake up and smell the solution to the problem your predecessor created, Gordon...)


The 'Day After' Bonus: Not a story to disappear fast, the Shadow Home Secretary (David Davis) makes it an issue of principle, and stands down as an MP to force a by-election...

*This (unrelated but timely) story hadn't broken when I orignally made the post:

my country's knackered, a little bit o' politics, links, weirdness, techie badness, intelligence services

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