Oh, and while you're down there, my shoes could do with a polish...

May 28, 2008 11:23

'Oxford University is launching a £1.25bn fundraising drive to put it "on a level playing field" with the leading universities in the United States.'


Laughter is permitted.

As are tears.

However, I hope I don't need to point out that our present government (the real intended target of this little exercise in showmanship) doesn't understand shame, the true worth of education, or even the concept of charity beginning at home...*


Edit: Following my entry here yesterday (http://sensaes.livejournal.com/534062.html), here's an excellent piece by londonist on the ever-so-slightly out-of-control Devil May Care marketing hype:


Turns out that the culprits behind all the damp squibs are J. K. Rowling's pet marketeers, Colman Getty.

How consistently unseemly...

*Someone feeling poorly in a third-world pisshole no one's ever heard of? Not a problem - here, have a few million quid. Nah, don't worry about it. We'll just stick it to the taxpayer in the next Budget. Again. But hey - don't we look great on the world stage, eh? Oh yeah, sorry about not being able to afford decent care for the elderly. Have you considered selling your home, or going back to work for a pittance in B&Q four days a week?

my country's knackered, a little bit o' politics, marketing, links, academia

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