Happy birthday to rocza...

May 16, 2008 05:00

...nil points to the clique of emo academic underachievers, and take that, RIAA:



Have a good weekend, dears.

P.S. I'll tell her now.

It's time to go, sweetie:

Try crying again? That almost worked last time...


And, for no balance whatsoever, this is just downright sneaky:

(It's a recycled notebook. Details here: http://store.johnmccain.com//ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=GG%2DNBR2580 Cheers to notebookism.)

Of course, there is another potential Presidential candidate...



It's true. The stern voice* definitely works...

*In what must rate as one of my weirdest techie footnote-based edits yet (18/05/2008), I'm delighted to inform you that Asus have released an update for the "Voice Command" feature of the Eee which has added single-click switching between "listening" and "hot key" modes to the (normally right-click only menu) icon on the toolbar (which is now pink).

More importantly than that, however, the update has replaced the original Star Trek computer-like voice emulator sample (oh, and how we wanted it to say "Working..." but it never did) with something that sounds like...for want of a better description...a very girlish anime character. It actually sounds delighted to repeat commands back at you.

If it ever starts giggling, I'll alert the Asus Exorcism Community immediately...

muso, lj, notebooks, links, techie goodness, friends, free stuff, a little bit o' politics

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