For extra credit...

Apr 02, 2008 11:47

Legend tells of a deleted comment on this post:

'Twas said that its wisdom shone brilliantly, suffused with insight and good humour.

Well, that's the legend. Here's the reality (complete with typo):

"Honestly, I just don't care who cropped copyrighted material and turned it into an icon. All the icon makes I've seen demanding credit are not artists creating original images, just people with photoshop manipulating images from TV shows and movies. If anyone deserves credit, it's the creators of the original work - I don't care what the US courts have decided, and I seriously doubt that someone who crops a stolen image from an episode of Buffy for use as an LJ icon has a leg to stand on in court. If you know of anyone creating actual, original art disseminated in LJ-icon format, I'd love to hear about it. Otherwise, who fucking cares?" - max_ambiguity.


Personally, I wouldn't call it "Art", but the accompanying userpic is original, and untouched by Photoshop (I use a lightweight affair called Ulead PhotoExpress 4.0 SE for most of my digital tinkerings - it's rather fun). The icon ('avatar', whatever you care to call it...) is based upon this photograph, albeit without the caption:

Cue the cut-price fashion report...

Stan the gargoyle is modelling a £3 mask from the Victoria and Albert Museum gift shop called 'Warrior Hero', constructed from coloured pieces of foam rubber, and based upon part of a 'Domaru' suit of Japanese Samurai armour (C17th).

I would give the little stony fella due credit for putting up with such nonsense, but he probably cares even less than the commentator! (Although, since I took the photograph, I own his soul anyway...)


(With thanks to my co-pirate for research assistance.)

"Oi! Whilst we're on the subject, Professor Arty-Farty, I ought to do you for misrepresentation. That lipstick might've washed off, but I'll never live down these fake eyelashes. Can I borrow some sunglasses, or something?"

'Fraid not, Grimley. Besides, you look gorgeous. Doesn't he, boys? *Snigger.*


Edit for shipmates: Another fifteen sixteen sizzling pages on the pile. And who said multi-tasking was just for girls? Tut...

Edit for everyone else: Thinking appears to be very bad for you - stop now before you hurt yourselves...

Last word on this one from B (agreeing with me...just before taking the suggestion into The Twilight Zone):

"Academia is fandom. It's also a fetish."

lj, links, icons, techie goodness, gargoylia, friends, art?, fuckwittery, diji, academia

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