...from "What's your favo[u]rite colo[u]r, and why?":
For those following the WikiLeaks/U.S. Constitution-busting "scandal" (
http://gawker.com/357812/this-site-full-of-leaked-documents-is-so-good-the-government-just-broke-the-constitution-to-shut-it-down), this site seems to have all the goodies:
http://cryptome.org/wikileaks-bjb.htm (Although that may change as the day wears on...)
That creepy necrophile (
http://community.livejournal.com/anti_gravitas/56148.html) gets a life sentence for murder:
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/7254628.stm ___________________________________
boingfeed comes up trumps (again) with this natty knitted gasmask:
http://www.craftster.org/forum/index.php?topic=228807.0 (A change of colour scheme, a few nips and tucks, and a Rocketeer version must surely be possible.)
Coming soon...
On the memetastic heels of
tx_cronopio and
astartesyriaca, I'll have a go at cobbling-together one of those "Movie Quotes" things later today.
It won't be easy.
And somehow I don't believe The World's Favourite Dodgiest Search Engine® will be much help to you. (Edit: Now more potentially evil than ever:
Probably not worth your while at all, in fact...