Where have you been lately?

Jan 20, 2007 15:21

There's a new kid in town... [The Eagles, naturally: http://dividedhighway.ca/NewSongs/Eagles%20-%20New%20Kid%20In%20Town.mp3 4.6Mb]

Meet Hobble:

Smuggled across the border (from the Borders...) via Dryburgh Abbey*, Hobble is one of four new acquisitions (the other three are quite shy, but give 'em time...) currently running riot in and around Castle Sensaes.

Regular readers will note Hobble's somewhat familiar immediate surroundings. Unsurprisingly, perhaps, a prior resident has something to say upon the matter:

"It's a f*ckin' liberty, that's what it is."
Oh, hush now, Grimley. All things in life are but temporary - even a gargoyle's pride-of-place upon a wall. Why, with all your whining it's a wonder that you don't get your own LJ... *G*

With thanks, as ever, to my partner-in-crime, astartesyriaca! xx



Newsflash Edit: Via astartesyriaca - Hillary's announced that she's going to run for the Presidency: http://www.hillaryclinton.com/

Extraneous Bonus Edit: Also via astartesyriaca, this made me chuckle:

Freebies Edit: The Keira Knightley (*groan*) version of Dr. Zhivago is free on DVD in tomorrow's Mail On Sunday.

muso, films, acquisitions, links, gargoylia, grimley's grumbles, freebies, a little bit o' politics, diji

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